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  1. Sorry if you've answered this before.. does it support looting bags?
  2. Ok cool, I've updated and it seems to be working better! Thanks guys!
  3. Interestingly I had it written like that before but it was still lagging. I changed it to see if it would make any difference but it didn't ? Thanks for the reply though., I'll change it back. Am I not doing that though? I've got a null check before I interact with the item haven't I? OK, so I put that list of items at the start of the script instead of inside the method, yeah?
  4. So my scripts lagging out with null errors when it gets to a certain part of the script. It's supposed to kill druids and loot them after they're dead. I can start it and it'll say "killing Druids" and it might kill one or it might run off and get loot from the ground off someone else's kill. That's fine. But once it picks it up it lags to holy fuck and that's when I get the errors. It's supposed to attack the Druids and sleep until they die (or I need to eat). Then loot. Here's the code snippet: I get errors in the logger on line 27 [the main onLoop method killDruid()] and line 54, inside the killDruid() method [item.interact("take");]. Can anyone help me identify what's causing the script to lag? It still runs, it's just laggy as fuck and takes up 40% CPU and 2GB RAM and I can't stop it or click on it or scroll the logger. I'm pretty new to this so any help appreciated. I think I've got null checks in the right places, and I'm lost.
  5. I appreciate the replies dude, you are super helpful. So, I've got everything set up now. I'm trying to make a simple looting script. I think i;m getting there. I've read a few things. So far this is my code: It picks up addy arrows (spam clicks). I'm currently trying to get it to run away if it's in combat. Basically: If it's not in combat - pick up arrows - else - run away. I've set it to run to Edgeville bank(hopefully?). But every time it gets in combat it's still running around spam clicking arrows. It doesn't run away. Any pointers for me?
  6. Hey man appreciate the effort that's in this post. I'm trying to follow the tutorial but use it to cut down trees instead of thieving stalls. Here's the code: When I run the script it just mouses over the nearest tree but doesn't interact. It just sits idle on the tree, occasionally mousing over to a different one if it deems it nearer. When I hover over .interact on Eclipse it gives me this error: All google can tell me is the .Jar file isn't found and to try re-attaching it. But I have attached it over and over, in as many ways possible. OSbot.JAr (latest version) is in the referenced libraries, etc. I've got it in multiple different folders including the one I'm working in and it still doesn't work. Any Ideas? EDIT: OK forget my question. I cleaned my hard drives, recovered windows, cleared all my crap. Re-installed everything needed and now it's working. I also had issues with this error after the reinstall: "the type org.osbotlp2 cannot be resolved. it is indirectly referenced from .class files" I was trying to use Eclipse and osBot on a different Hard drive than :/C. I was using it on :/E (I have multiple). This threw up alot of unexpected errors, Java not communicating and shit. I'm keeping everything on my :/C drive now and it's working fine. Continuing the tutorial now!
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