so 74 fishing, cook after 12 caught (50% for both settings), go to leaping fish, repair and put out fire within 1 tile..... my settings after an update....
i've been getting consistent 2700+ points each game however there are still few little hiccups...
When you are fishing leaping fish, the reaction time to "tether" seems to be slower than without. its been numerous occasions where i got caught out by the wave.
still noticing that when running towards the cannon, and you get hit by the wave midway through the run, it still prioritises loading up the cannon rather than tethering. Maybe you could look into that?
also, not sure if it just me, but the "permits earned" is not being calculated.
At the time of writing this, i have 11 games completed (hour and 20 minutes) with 40 points earned which is amazing outcome however i feel like if above points are fixed, this script would be an absolute perfection.