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nics too swoll

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    Sacramento CA

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  1. what would you say is the best newer method to train combat on a zerker account? havent botted in a year or so and i have a zerker with base stats need to grind str i liked yaks because it was decent exp with not much banking req. and the ban rate was low, is the ban rate high now? whats a low ban rate area to train str?
  2. can i please have a free trial
  3. ok so everybody had to gain trust at first somehow, how do i do so?
  4. I must be unlucky my maxed zerk got banned using the JAD script then i made a new acc after a few quests went for 53 theiving banned first fucking day of botting after playing 3 days legit. not sure why ive been unlucky but kinda worried about wasting gold by starting another. Any tips? ive been able to max out multiple accounts for years without a single ban yet this month ive had 2 accs get PERMED first ban not even a 2 day...
  5. thank you. Any advice on how to gain trust here? Been VIP since 13' and I have been decently active on the forums when needed but I am basically looking to use the gold from this account to fund the next 2-3 accounts i want to have a 70 def maxed and a 45def maxed just no cash at all to get started and i made 2 different bots to try and generate cash flow but jagex seems to be banning at a very high rate right now... Anyways what do I need to do in order to have "rep"? I read the req. for selling accounts and it basically told me I need 100 posts. Once i decide to sell it I will upload the ban meter, log in info etc but i didnt include that simply because i was just looking for a price check. Thank for in advance for any help rep? im just saying what would this go for in general i made the occ im orignal owner will give u email and all that idk what rep is if you mean because i havent done it here before how do first time sellers get rep? been a member on here for years
  6. rep? im just saying what would this go for in general i made the occ im orignal owner will give u email and all that idk what rep is if you mean because i havent done it here before how do first time sellers get rep? been a member on here for years
  7. LOOKING FOR OSRS GOLD. Hi I am looking to see what I could get for my main acc. Banned one time in like 2015 but the meter is half way or whatever, If i have a serious inquiry i will provide all the needed pieces of info but for now just looking for an idea of what i can get. done many quests - dream mentor, DT, legends quest, ALL OF RFD, d defender and torso, no cash or items worth much but kept all quest items. I've sold a few accs but not on this forum before. Please let me know what you think
  8. People still getting permed first try often? Making a new zerker and would love to try again but it seems most people get a perm on the first run
  9. love this script have gotten many 99s with it. It seems to not be working right now though? any update?
  10. super bummer i just lost such a great acc. I guess its what i risk. overall i thought your script was amazing. No idea how jagex could pinpoint and ban so quickly after i had gone under the radar for literally weeks of botting beforehand, RIP MAXED ZERKER
  11. how can they be so sure about this script? considering i got 99 attack, str, mage, range, hp, 130m cooking exp, all without a ban? and yet in 45 minutes they perm me?
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