Hello, My name is Eliason Ruhm, but I also go by Eli.
I have played a old school runescape inconsistently for around 8 years and I am now currently 20 years old, something I have figured out is that I really enjoy cheating in games. I dont know if its just the adrenaline of doing the bad or just the fact of you getting massive advantages over players. Now I am a Lifetime Sponsor so, I am assuming I used to use osrs programs in the past such as, pvp auto switchers etc. However, I am just getting into botting frankly and have no clue where to start. Tried running a bot doing agility and quickly realized I had jumped into agilityganistan LOL. I got banned within 2 hours of playing on a proxy and am now trying firemaking instead xD. If you have any advice for me that would help me in the future of my osrs botting that would be awesome! I do have alot of Czars and Khals Scripts and would just like some advice maybe on what skills are good to be botting currently in 2020 osrs and which skills are not. Regardless, really happy to be joining the botting community and am hoping you guys will take me under your wing and accept me in to the family of fellow botters. Thanks for reading my post! If you have any reccomendations or advice for me that would be really awesome and beneficial for me.
Much love and Kind Regards, Eli