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swaggasaurus rex

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  1. i must have the worst luck but i get banned everytime i use this script lol. cant even get to like 80 firemaking with it before ban.
  2. I got banned using this script before as it messed up pretty bad on Death Plateau and Nature Spirit. I fixed it pretty fast, but still got the account banned. I figured the account might have been banned due to my Sand Crab script, so I kind of just brushed it off. Yesterday I made a new account, did some minor legit hand training and questing, and then said screw it and just set up the Stealth Quester to do like 7-8 very basic no requirements quest. I watched the script, and everything seemed to run smooth. I just woke up this morning and the account is permanently banned for macroing. At this point, I'm 100% sure that it's this script. Pretty disappointing as I've spent $20 on it, and both times I use the script, I've been permanently banned for it. The first account that got banned, I had lost 200M in cash which is pretty unfortunate, but this time around I was smarter with only a couple hundred thousand. Good thing I took the smarter route, cause the new account is banned too.
  3. Death Plateau doesnt work for me. Withdrawls way too many quest items, eventually says 'you do not have enough space in your inventory' like 5-6 times and then quest shuts off. Nature Spirit doesn't work either. Gets to a certain point in the quest, and sorta just stands next to the logs and does nothing. Get a debug error everytime.
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