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Everything posted by OhhTec

  1. Hey can I get a trial? Always wanted that pet, might buy this too if it works well for m, which I quess it will as the others I've bought from you work well too!
  2. does this script support using only cannon? Im making a pure with low hp...
  3. Hello, I got 4 accounts that I need to get void on, so just wondering how does this work when using multiple accounts at the same time? Does it effect the rates at all? And how ban proof is this? And could I get a trial for this too, to check if its worth it E: Meaning the Pest Control Bot of course xd
  4. anyhow possible to get a trial of this?
  5. Does this ever die? And what if it dies, teles back? or just never dies?:P And may I get a trial please, interested in testing it out and proly buying, got some accs to get 50-99 fm on :P
  6. hey thats great! You must of had that in progress or you have like the best services around here hah 8-) do you mind giving me another trial to see how it runs? Cuz other than the upper mining zones it ran perfectly, but just want to be certain before buying
  7. trying this out on my alt atm, I am not 72 mining which means I cant mine at the upper level. The bot seems to get stuck trying to get up there pretty often. Otherwise it seems to be working well. Any idea why its doing this?
  8. ayy, really liking it. Possible to get a trial for a few hours to test it out?
  9. May I try this scirpt out, might buy it tbh.
  10. Okay thanks for the fast reply, hmmm weight is kinda a problem then, quess we just need to rely more on staminas then. But the script seems to be working flawlessy other than that! More than likely your gonna see me buying this one! Good job!
  11. Thanks! Got 1 question, on death does it go back for the stuff on the ground? For example graceful and defender? or should I just run without tradeables?
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