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  1. Just briefly looking at the code it looks like it just reacts to the attack Jad is doing and uses the correct protection prayer. You would still manually have to click the healers, drink pots etc.
  2. Is the use of super combat potions supported? I haven't figured it out yet in the GUI
  3. No shit guys, whelp guess I can't bot on my main anymore haha. Fair play. Thanks.
  4. The loot tracker doesn't work 100% of the time. A lot of the prices don't update and therefore profit/hr numbers are incorrect, not sure if you're aware of this. Here's a screenshot:
  5. Is quick switching more likely to get you banned? How about using steal injection as opposed to mirror mode?
  6. Honestly this was an aged account, I botted for three hours max at a time and was always watching. I was botting Wintertodt so there was no one talking to me and the bot never messed up. I didn't bot in mirror mode. My IP was probably flagged, how can I reset this? Just resetting the router will give me a new one? EDIT: I'm looking at buying a starter main and playing it legit so actually I really don't want to be associated with my old IP, can someone please let me know ASAP. Cheers
  7. I have to say Jagex is getting good at catching bans. Figured I've been doing everything right and I'm still getting caught. I've been reading about IP flags but I am sort of on the side of the fence that that doesn't really happen. I've read about users that have mules that are on the same IP that aren't getting caught. Maybe it's time for me to play legit - or even stop playing completely. What's everyone elses experience like? Are you able to bot and not get caught? Are you willing to take the risk on your main or not that confident?
  8. Runs terribly when you have the "Loot anything over xxx GP" setting toggled on but with that off it's not bad. Just wondering if there's a way to change settings while the bot is running? Haven't figured that one out yet I have to stop the bot, change the settings, start the bot. Cheers.
  9. What's going on with this script? Seems super unreliable, stops attacking all the time. What's going on?
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