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  1. Yeah by breaks they probably mean logging out for random amounts of time (usually at least 25 minutes is recommended) before logging back in and going for more. I tend to go for 2-3 hours always a random amount of minutes (like 127/177/133) , then taking a break for a random amount of time (like 27, 39, 48) then going for another random amount of time generally no longer than 3-4 hours. Just my opinion!
  2. Has worked great for crafting (spinning in lumby) love the timed system + breaks makes it easy to setup multiple breaks throughout the day while I'm gone. Was wondering does this randomize clicking or have any anti bans within it? Not a big deal just wondering
  3. Are the same features included in Perfect Fighter if I use that for sand crabs? Or is this a more optimized version specifically for sand crabs?
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