Hey Zach
I would also like to extend an invitation to join my services as well. @Dbuffed is a great friend of mine and after his I am very established as well
I have different options for applicants to choose from (literally just updated my contracts) so dm me if you have any questions!
Account 1 + 2: Level 9 Hunter: (just do varrock museum very easy)
Account 3: Level 15 Hunter
Account 4: Level 43 Hunter
Account 5: Level 57 Hunter
Will pay for you to create the accounts + paying bond fees and all when they are needed
Hit me with quotes + timeframe pls ty
Looking for this to be Hand Done on new accounts:
1. Tut Island
2. Varrock Museum
3. 9-63 Hunter
4. Eagles' Peak
I will be supplying bond + gp for supplies and will be needing this on multiple accounts. I will be requesting screenshots periodically to ensure this isn't botted and will not go first unless you are reputable. If that's a problem I will use a MM at my expense
Msg me on Discord: Hope#0770
From what I gathered, you aren't really wanting to change your opinion. Can you do us all a favor and pay him the money and tell us how it goes? If it is legit then we'll stand corrected.
Also please let us know when he cleans your entire bank