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Mr Misconduct

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  1. Do you take OSRS GP for payment?
  2. "Gun Violence" is a made up term by anti-gun lobbyists. Here are the facts... "Gun Violence" Statistics for 2013 in USA: 33169 total deaths Homicide: 11,208 - In just over 80%, Handguns, NOT the infamous AR15 were used. Negligent or Accidental Discharge: 505 Undetermined Intent: 281 SUICIDE: 21175 - Or about 64% of the total gun-related deaths in the USA. Of the total 2,596,993 people who died in the USA in 2013, only 1.3% died as a result of "Gun Violence." **REMEMBER** 64% of that 1.3% were suicides... Only 0.832% of the total deaths in the US were the result of homicides or questionable means from firerarms. DROP. IN. THE. BUCKET. You are 3x MORE likely to be struck by lightning in the USA than be killed by an AR-15. Guns aren't the problem. People are the problem. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_violence_in_the_United_States
  3. New here. I have a basic knowledge of coding, and botting. I haven't botted since 2008, and am looking to maybe make some gold to fund PKing.
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