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Everything posted by snowdude

  1. Gets me an average of 500k overnight, sometimes 1m, kinda strange to check in the morning and find full rune sets in your bot's bank but there you go. Thanks a lot!
  2. I have a regular issue of the script starting up and not doing anything, sometimes it only waits a minute before starting and that's fine, but sometimes it just never initializes, even if I restart OSBot completely or try moving the bot around. The bot is never standing somewhere weird - just the Edgeville bank or the fishing spots. Any idea why that could be?
  3. I just wanted to take the time to mention how well this script works for me! I usually need to replace my moneymaking bot every few days, and this script makes it so hassle free. I use it so regularly I just have to say thanks, it's amazing for what it does. Also, combining restless ghost and rune mysteries - if it's not too much trouble, it will make the script even better. Thanks again!
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