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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. You can't help stupid people. You can try all you want but they'll keep proving your effort worthless time and time again. I've tried so many times on a few different forums and it's just not worth it. People will literally trade a nobody for $100+ then cry about being scammed when they could've used a mm or checked the skype name and a lot of other easy stuff...
  2. Woah. I like that color. That's a cool color. O.O

    1. Dex


      I'm lord of the greynames now.

  3. You can't just ban people though. Some scam reports are just a misunderstanding while others are complete bs. I do understand the concern but just banning anyone who has a scam report is a bit much. I've seen one nother site where they put limitations on a rank (like TWC) where you can't access the marketplace or send/receive PM's. like you said, this would be a good start though they can post elsewhere. I'd just make it so that they can only post in areas like the scam report or spam section - only if it's a valid scam report. Lastly, you can't protect stupid. There are just stupid people wherever. They do what they want because they're stupid and it's like a disease. People can have 50 negative feedback, a TWC PiP and be registered today and will still scam just because there are stupid people. I can't blame the ones who fall to big names because there's almost nothing you can do to prevent a scam quit, but there are obvious signs for imposters and random people who are trying to scam. You just can't help these sorts of people and you're going to go nowhere trying to. I know it's unfortunate but you can't help people who don't care.
  4. I can't even tell you how much gold I've traded and swapped. My account was P2P for a little bit but F2P for the majority. I used my main account here and there but mainly a second account for everything. I never had had any accounts banned for anything and I've been doing it consecutively since 2010 until around 2015.
  5. RIP in peace

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoomScape


      That was such a short suspension. I thought it'd be longer than a couple minutes. 

    3. Muffins


      It was a week :)

    4. RoomScape


      Oh, maybe I just noticed it at the end, then. 

  6. The crazy thing is that even real Skype's can get hacked. Just because you have someone's actual skype doesn't mean anything. Always request a PM prior to a trade. If you get a PM and still get scammed then it's unfortunate but there was nothing that you could've done and they will get banned. Always request a PM. No exceptions.
  7. You're good. Shit happens. Only thing is that you won't let it happen again, right? :p We all make mistakes. Just there are idiots that make the same mistakes over and over. Don't be that guy and you'll be good.
  8. That's why you use a MM and/or request a PM. If that doesn't happen then just don't trade. A lot better than losing money.
  9. That's a common thing to watch out for but easily noticeable as long as you pay attention and aren't afk/ignoring simple things.
  10. Good boy. Glad to see some people know how to use their brain. You don't know how many people told me this and said that they got scammed after the guy said he can't pm and refused a mm. I'm just like....Get out of my face and don't talk to me. Because people are stupid and that's what imposters hope for. Honestly. If people wouldn't trade without a pm or mm imposters wouldn't even be a thing. There would be scams because sometimes it's hard to avoid those but imposters are easy to avoid in most cases.
  11. I don't know why you would try to trade with him after he said he wouldn't use me as a mm.
  12. Powerabuse and scamming? Smh.
  13. Look who's still around.

    1. irwtonrs1
    2. RoomScape


      Oh god, why must you do this?

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