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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. 2 more posts for me to like before I hand out the vouchers. Yes.
  2. >Best mod >3.2 seconds >?????? >profit
  3. That's what yo mama said last night.
  4. I said the same thing about your avatar.
  5. The best video I've ever seen. Graphics are so intense you'd think this was real life! Although I disagree with the final outcome, the video itself is such a work of art it's hard to imagine someone passing it up. http://youtu.be/KdfPwBOnXOw
  6. You better be. I'd be offended if you weren't.
  7. Shit mod that got owned.
  8. Just like you, my friend. LOL, yeah, suuure.
  9. Only part I would believe about that is that he's 9 years old. xD
  10. I wonder if the spammers realise that they don't get part count in here... Lol.
  11. I essentially use the same password for every site I join.
  12. I differentiate between people based on their avatar... But now everyone is using the same avatar that it's confusing me... >.<
  13. I know, but oh well. Who knows. Could try buying stuff with your linked PayPal.
  14. RoomScape


    You can't buy/sell accounts until you have 100 posts.
  15. It actually was - and still is - a big accomplishment and what ultimately lead to the standard television that you use today. If we didn't have radios, we may not have current TV today. Be grateful of your forefathers' accomplishments.
  16. I think it's some primitive mini tv without the display.
  17. Jagex can give you an old name if the user hasn't been online in a while - they're starting to do this and said they would consider it since a lot of people ask. However, they said they aren't touching names on banned accounts no matter what.
  18. eBay wasn't all that organized - from what I've read in the past - so this isn't so shocking to me. Now, if Amazon was hacked...that'd be something totally different.
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