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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. I'm lol'ing so hard right now. xD
  2. Aaaaand you're TWC again. :|

  3. And membership and stuff like that. Obviously not accounts, but the others shouldn't have a restriction on them.
  4. Look at this sexy beast.

    1. lolmanden


      sexy af, roomscape created me lol.

    2. RoomScape


      Who's your daddy!

  5. I should stop talking to people...I've made too many guys go gay for me. :|
  6. You're talking about me? It went bye bye.
  7. Not sure if I should give troll response or serious...
  8. Should God frown upon us and that unholy day ever arrive where @Acerd receives CBA, this shall be OSBot's reaction:
  9. This. And MANDEN4GLOABL Not no trial mod you hating fag.
  10. You're acting as if you'd be trusted with a verified pp anyway.
  11. Yeah. Would you rather take a little less and keep it all or get greedy and potentially lose everything?
  12. I know and I'm not talking about them. Why don't people go to trusted users and eliminate 99% of the chances of being Chargedback rather than trade some random guy and fret every hour of whether or not you were chargedback.
  13. It amazes me to no end how scammers claim that they are trustworthy because they have a verified paypal implying that they either won't or can't, maybe both, chargeback because of that. Then they will say that if you're scared, we will use a middleman so that they can't chargeback - which amazes me even more. I also see people requiring payment from verified only paypals or the use of a middleman, which even then won't do much. Is verified paypal a key to never getting Chargedback or anything? Because it's obviously not and they can still win even if they send photo ID...
  14. This would be kind of pointless since it wouldn't be very widely used and there are already other features like this. The only time if see this being used is when people either have giveaways or are gambling which isn't the real objective of this site. It would be good on a gambling site, but not really necessary here.
  15. With that logic, why have any requirements at all?
  16. RoomScape


    Did you really just give the examples saying train combat or kill?
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