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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Too late. You already showed us your team by making mikasa, dex and smart mods.
  2. That's right peeps. Y'all know what's up. I'll rightfully claim thisthis section as mine soon enough. But not fret, I'll make sure you each have a place in my empire.
  3. If you're picking your ideal staff team you'd make them admin and find someone else for mod, not have them as mod just in case. Get at me bro
  4. That awkward moment when you put others above yourself in staff. I'd say that's good that you put them as admins, but the fact that you also put them as mods means that you don't fully see them as admins, otherwise you wouldn't have put them as mods also. And you're not even up there so you must have low self esteem. It's ok, bro. I'm here for you.
  5. You know the big red BRAKE light is shining so bright that it's hard to miss... You also don't have your seat belt on so with those two lights glaring out of the picture, I find it hard to believe that you're actually going that fast. If you were, it's be bad for the car since the RPM is going out of control and your car is going faster than it was designed to so inb4explosion
  6. Which provider are you using?
  7. It's getting to the winter time and work will be slowing down so I'll have a lot more free time so I may come back and be active again if I don't get a second job. If I do get a second job, oh well. If I don't , I'll be getting on here daily again. If I come back I'll probably be marketing again for the hell of it. :ph34r:
  8. I can finally get paid for posting again. I wonder if he can pay me via Amazon. O.o
  9. Why don't you text me?And I feel bad. We just completely destroyed this thread.
  10. You call me out to fight you then say I won't be able to catch you?you just said that you'd run away when I come to fight you by saying I can't catch you you punk ass mofo. Gtfo and go study math.
  11. Man, you suck at math, you'd want to be mod THEN be mod - it obviously looks that way since you put yourself as mod after you putnyourself as admin which means you want a demote - and then think I'd fight you?I don't fight with the mentally disabled. ;)
  12. No, I'm not trying to get it to help pay for the car, I just don't like my job. Its boring and I have to go all the way to NY, so I'd rather find something else closer to home and something a little more interesting. I applied at Apple and they called so I'm waiting to hear back from them. Doubt I'll get it because my luck sucks like that. Edit: I'm 21 and I make my own hours. I only work really when I have appointments so I have a lot of free time. Haters gon hate
  13. Shows how well you are in math...
  14. oh, you know.... Some guy. :ph34r:But loool, the white girl afterwards was like, uhh.... Hmm, uhh.... :mellow:
  15. Lolololol, where'd sponsor go?

    1. Blackbone


      back to my pocket haha

    2. Blackbone


      soon to your pocket, do some quest for me my friend hahah

    3. RoomScape


      I haven't been on my laptop in so long it'll feel weird if I get on it now.

  16. Because it's stupid and pointless.
  17. I never did like pking, much less cb in general, when I played RS.
  18. Oh. I don't do those things. Oh, I don't do those kind of things.
  19. Took you two months for 100 fb man wtf

  20. Tickets were $28 for the day so why not?
  21. Yeah man, waiting on line sure is fun.
  22. You're sponsor, huh?

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