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Everything posted by RoomScape

  1. Oh, well...shit. I was expecting more people to rage saying no. ._.
  2. Man, no one cares what you have to say anyway. Anyone else?
  3. Does anyone care to read the story of me and how I came into this entire black market business and rose through the ranks of life to achieve the current rank that I hold at this moment in time and space?
  4. "Up to 8.4 hours' with 3+3 Power Bridge" Pay extra for that and it's up to 8 hours.
  5. Forgot about this. And there's a GE in 07 also.
  6. 07 is fun. RS bans bots. RS3 is gay. Jagex is selling the game for the kids' money. Same ol' same ol'.
  7. I like the portability and battery life. Battery life most of all. It's the thing that tips the scale over the edge for me.
  8. Thinking about getting it; looks nice. http://www.apple.com/macbook/
  9. Bought black g robes to train mage in style. xD
  10. This one is in the middle of the screen. -.-
  11. Why are they so annoying? They stand out so much more than anything else....WHY? >.< I can't even do anything because I have to watch that one dead pixel...-.- Anything I can do to fix it? MacBook Pro (I think it's retina).
  12. Person swaps name to some other name. You wait a month or so and then steal it. I think.
  13. Don't h8 man, appreci8 and I'll r8 you 8/8 m8.
  14. No, he didn't get banned again. He was TWC'd on here for a while, though. He then got that removed and changed his name in an attempt to start over.
  15. Probably going to pk for a bit in some mini games. Then I'll transform it into a main.
  16. He got banned for scamming - said he was hacked. He ban evaded a little later. I caught him and got him banned. He told staff he wasn't astrola but apparently lived near him but isn't him. Staff unbanned. Then I gave staff more proof. Staff rebanned. He repaid scammed people. Got unbanned. And now that's the story about how his life got twist-turned upside down...
  17. im the one who caught him on that account, lmao c
  18. UPDATE: He talked to the guys dad and the guy then gave him his money back, hahahahahhahahabahahahahhahahahahahahah!!!!!! This is so gold, omg lmfaoo. Imagine the convo the kid and his dad had, LOLOL!
  19. You can't ask for money/donations. Against the rules bro.
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