Something I found interesting when I bot is all the public scripts are extremely efficent and the randomization/antibot features dont seem too vary too much.
When I play as a human sometimes I'll randomly go afk, sometimes I'll check stats, sometimes my mouse spazzes out, sometimes I right click and sometimes I directly left click. I found that when I record mysefl for example alching as a human and add variance and record myself for an hour, and then replay that for 10-12 hours my account won't get banned, but if I run an auto alcher then I'll get banned for doing a 10-12 hour session.
So has anyone tried creating scripts with alot of variance/randomness where they'll sometimes operate at max efficency, then for example sleep for 2 minutes, then randomly check stats and be as human like as posssible, sometimes right clicking/left clicking, and if so have they affected ban rates?