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Everything posted by Begginer

  1. Finally got 2 day ban botting with this one.
  2. Bought the script at 66 magic. Now I am at 77, not a single problem. I do cast + alch cause I am not still not lvl 80. I get around 170kxp/h, Also i bot 1 hour then pause a little then go back but not more than 1.5 hours. It's amazing. I need some cash for runes and going for 90. Awesome job.
  3. I'll buy the script today, i want to get only for high alching. Let's see if it's successful p.s. What's the best to train with lvl 66 mage?
  4. Begginer

    Fruity NMZ

    Got the script. Already made some levels but botting max 3h and then taking breaks. Never do the overnight botting and join a CC and type there sometimes. Will update when I get 85/85/85
  5. Just got the script. Will use for my range to get high. Currently i am at 66
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