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Newbie (1/10)



  1. When i was trying to start with all the crypto stuff i believe i used blockchain. My father uses blockchain too, but he's more experienced.
  2. Exactly, at the end all people want is money, so they're gonna do anything to get some easy cash, and probably when they just get bored, they gonna scam u for a few bucks and freaking disappear forever.
  3. Even the people with a lot of feedback and look trustworthy to the community can scam if they see a good chance of getting a lot of money imo.
  4. Pretty funny. Same thing happened to me, realized after a while i was alching things that were not making me any profit whatsoever.
  5. Magnum

    PC Main Acc

    Thanks, i do have in consideration the feedback thing, anyways, i'm looking forward to sell some gp in the future, hope that helps me with the feedback since im new here.
  6. Magnum

    PC Main Acc

    I know i need 100 post to sell accounts, just wanted to know the value of my actual account. 215 Quest Points. Piety, Barrows gloves, fire cape, full void + range and melee helmet, full graceful, imbued zerker and archers ring, imbued salve ammy and imbued sara cape. Kandarin and Morytania hard diaries completed.
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