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  1. I tend to rely on information that has actual citations behind it. Unless someone can provide definitive proof that 'chains bans are a myth' you should be using caution and not making it so blatantly easy that a quick regex expression wouldn't pull up x amount of accounts made by the same person. We don't know what system Jagex has and if you google "Chain ban" there are results that show people have been chain banned so I don't know about that one. I just feel if you're learning, you should be learning good methods.
  2. If anything, shouldn't you be creating email accounts that are pseudorandom on individual IP addresses so you're reducing the chance of fingerprinting? We don't know what Jagex detects but I'd imagine If you had 20 email accounts and the only difference was a single number, you're probably asking to be chain banned. Seems you're trying to learn but you're already setting yourself up by doing lazy silly things?
  3. Also noticed it seems they've adjusted the items and npc ids to +1 or -1 as well. Not sure if that has any relevance.
  4. I had a 2 day ban myself this morning on a slayer alt. I wasn't using any of the osbot forum scripts though. I had a few bluelite, dz and openosrs plugins.
  5. Can you not setup a desktop in docker and use something like xfce with vnc if x11 isn't working? https://sick.codes/xfce-inside-docker-virtual-display-screen-inside-your-headless-container/
  6. Maybe just come up with something simple and pretty easy so people can see your programming ability. Even if you're offering free - nobody is going to want something that is dangerous to their account.
  7. I've used a couple of yours in the past. Never had issues
  8. No script is entirely 'safe'. There's always a chance that you're going to get caught with whatever you use.
  9. http://osrsbot-detector.ddns.net/#/ Report Accuracy 49.89% Right.
  10. I had 0 bans so far using NMZ. What were you running? How fresh was the account in terms of how long was it last played, exp gained, etc..? When you said you 'changed IP' what did you use to do this? (proxies or a vpn) I was running my main who is now max combat using Fruity's NMZ for easily 10-12 hours a day. I haven't been banned. I haven't even been warned. That doesn't mean it's safe - botting is an inherent risk but so far I have not encountered a ban on any nmz account I've done. I saw on your profile you're commenting on lots of scripts from slayer to combat to quest scripts. Perhaps you're running too many scripts too soon?
  11. One single text file consisting of how many names? Might as well stand in a f2p world and send the name of every bot by Varrock mining spot to the same people. It's just stupid.
  12. I'd say more like how to spam the highscores with thousands of unnecessary requests and flood the tipoff email with false positives. Seems like a brilliant idea.
  13. I greatly think someone has taken a course on Python and Machine Learning in Codecademy, learned how to manipulate data using Kaggle and thought, I'll solve bots. Thoughts?
  14. Something tells me if you can understand Java and some sql then stackoverflow would provide you a lot of answers.
  15. Can I have a trial please czar
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