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Everything posted by miller00

  1. Thanks i appreciate your fast responses. I figured it was something as such because this is the 2nd script that has done something like this in the same time period prior to working like a charm. Thanks again
  2. Yep same thing happening for me. Worked like a charm yesterday though which is odd... mine actually doesn't even burn one log, it will just click "use" on a log and then sit there. it will run to the spot to start a fire, but like i said will never actually burn one. it will even find a free path if someone else is burning, but then does the same thing, and clicks "use" on a log and sits there. Thanks for looking into it. Really appreciate it.
  3. Here it is. Ran Juggles AIO Fisher and this is the logger 60 seconds after. This is after i terminated the script. Thanks for looking into it. I really appreciate it.
  4. Same problem as the post above me ^ I've used this script before works great for me and my friend. I was using it yesterday and worked perfectly fine nothing wrong with it. Sometimes clicks use on another fish when dropping but I believe that is due to me overriding the mouse movement by accident. no big deal. As of today I start the script and it doesn't do anything, no mouse movements etc. just stands in the spot I started it. Timer runs that is about it. I assume it has something to do with the update today (as i'm certain OSRS had a update) so I'm hoping it will be fixed? is this script being maintained? I LOVE this script and hope it can fixed as soon as possible! Thanks.
  5. Any bans? Ran for maybe 20 minutes today, started a skiller. like to see how far I could get with free scripts I know it isn't suggested but oh well. Any ideas how long I should run this script? or any certain levels I should stop at? Let me know, thanks.
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