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Everything posted by dsabares

  1. script runs well having issue where the bot will not log back in from break time. I am manually logging back in and it will continue / repeat its task. Set up I am using is Yew Bird houses (crafts them) Toadflax / Watermelon Botomless Compost Bucket / Xeric Glade Tele / Rest tele tabs. Add me on discord I Pm'd you EDIT: It seems the issue being caused was my fault. Basically if you are doing multiple runs do not use the individual break timers... bottom right of interface I was able to select "synchronized runs" and that fixed the issue of not logging back in
  2. please auth me I'd like a trial and want to purchase asap!!
  3. Everysingle time i try to start this script using house tele tab and barrows tele tab it autmoatically laugs out and idk why. May i please get a refund or quikc fix
  4. Sane thing happens to me or just tends to like log out itselt
  5. Evertytime i start the script using barrows tele tabs, plus my house tele it always wants to take the mort shortcut ..
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