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Posts posted by Wave

  1. Disputed member: [member=] https://osbot.org/forum/profile/274691-hichampatron/

    Thread Link:  


    Explanation: This guy offered me 0.75/m for 56m. I then added him on discord and he attempted to do the MM scam. He pretended to be "Anomaly".

    Evidence: Here comes a lot of screenshots!

    1.) Proof that this is the correct discord according to the person.3d93f20342288f53044d412034561a96.png

    2.) This was our conversation


    3.) Him impersonating Anomaly.


    @Anomaly I also pmed Anomaly.

    This was linked to me, obviously pretending to be Anomaly.

    Why should he get banned? Impersonating anyone is against the rules plus it's a scam attempt.

  2. 10 hours ago, guywithlsd said:

    do you even bot? ?

    sorting out the bank..? cool outfits..? hang out in ge???? If this is your way to avoid bans, then not only you waste time, but you waste time with tin foil hat on your head

    All those things you mentioned there don't help at all. It's just "you feel more safe about playing legit" 

    Bot detection system don't care about you hanging out at ge with cool outfit. Minigames? explain me how can playing a minigame reduce ban chance?

    You guys really should stop tell ppl how to "avoid bans" if you have no idea how and where from bans really come..

    Why don't you enlighten us on how to avoid bans then?

  3. 48 minutes ago, goonrunner said:

    put it this way, ive spent 30m+ on bonds that have been banned within 3 days of starting the grinds, at sand crabs no matter where, you're best off doing the early grind legit then the late grind botted if you want to, my current main has fletch/cook/herb/prayer/smithing all botted to 99. other stats are 70+

    Damn that's impressive...

    • Like 1
  4. 2 minutes ago, totedem said:

    if you don't want to lose the acc don't bot on it....there is always the possibility of getting banned regardless of the measures u take..

    Yeah I feel you, I'm just trying to make some money off botting but it's pretty difficult. 

  5. Is it even possible to get away with botting? Through some of my experiences, it seems like I always get banned. Any tips/tricks anyone can give me?

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