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  1. I think they've got this script dialed in boys
  2. Accidentally let the bot go over night two nights ago. Account was fine the whole day and then today perma ban. Stealth injection.
  3. osrs updated today. no scripts will be working until osbot is updated.
  4. Hi, I don't know anything about NMZ or how to set up this bot. I'd like to use Dharoks at 1HP with absorption potions. Is there a How-To for setting this up for that?
  5. Yes I start it as instructed every time. So another stopping point :It's hovering over him, by the time I stopped the script it had logged out but I'm almost positive it's on the dialogue with the butler, where he's saying he's got stuff for you and you can respond "Take them back to the bank" or "Thanks"
  6. Yes. Selected normal mode, use butler, oak larders, started with a full inv, 24 planks, cash, hammer, saw, notes. At the point of paying the butler it seemed to get stuck on the dialogue of confirming payment and would just keep clicking him. I rectified it manually and checked back in 20 mins and it was waiting for the butler bc he had quit or something. It has been pretty rare, to be fair but I figured I could help you perfect the script. That's about all the relevant detail I can provide.
  7. Currently stuck on "Talk to Demon Butler [Building]", just repeatedly clicking him
  8. lol it dismissed my butler somehow, I did still have money for him, what do you think happened there? Also, it sometimes gets stuck on the dialogue with the butler after confirming that he still has things to give, the one where you can just say "Thanks" and you'd go back to what you were doing but I can't remember what the paint said at that point. I'll keep running and let you know so you can throw an extra check right before that one. Excellent script in general, though, I'm risking a big account but I feel safe doing con cuz it's 0 exposure to reports. Could still get caught somehow else though but whatever. Progressive mode is dank af btw
  9. Was seeing threads on how oak doors might be more efficient but I'll go back to larders. Thanks
  10. Thanks for the quick reply! I am doing oak dungeon doors and I noticed that after it clicks the butler to take the rest of his inventory, it will continue to build doors and then go through the dialogue to ask the butler to go to the bank and then wait for the butler to come back. I feel this could be optimised by sending him away to the bank again, then building the doors so as to cut some of that down time. What do you think? Edit: Idk if this factors in, but I am starting the script with one oak door built, a full inv of planks and him waiting on me with 16 planks (I tell him to grab 20). Should I change any of this?
  11. What should I make and with what method to consume the most oak planks per hour?
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