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Everything posted by Bankah

  2. At the moment the closest I can get to GER is Poland I'm currently looking for another solution which will allow me to host within Germany
  3. Recently I've sold out of all my current proxy servers, and I'm going to open a new one to cope with demand - which location would you most prefer Highest voted will have a server opened in its location If no votes are given I'll open a server in one of my choice most likely in central europe.
  4. Yes, if a proxy is located in (for example) australia and you, yourself are based in the United Kingdom or Europe, your ping will be noticeably higher than if you were using a proxy located in a closer geographical location. I currently provide United Kingdom ones, but I'll set a new server up very soon hopefully closer to you
  5. Depending on your supplier, generally once your period of use is over. Your liability thereafter is gone, once your usage plan is over you are no longer responsible for any of the activity on the proxy. In black-and-white, if this is the case. Yes obviously it will have a link between you and the malicious user, however you will be to an extent protected by proof from the supplier that you were not in use of the proxy during the time when a malicious act was committed.
  6. Accepted all requests on Discord. Shoot me a message PS. BUMP
  7. Idk if my 180+ offsite rep is hidden for you but thanks for the mention Hope your Ukrainian reseller program is serving you well.
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