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  1. hello, anyone can do this in main? i can pay in 07 gp and price wouldn't really matter
  2. Hi guys I am looking to buy 50m-100m 07 for fair price. I have Verified business PP account, or instant debt card (which pays cash instantly to sellers). If you interested in selling pm me or write down your discord please, thank you.
  3. stats: 80+ att 90+ str 75+ def 95+ hp 95+ range 95+ mage 75+ prayer (not saying exact stats) got all skills required for quests
  4. although idc about prices but are u trying to charge me 60m for ds2? lol
  5. how long is lightning speed all or nothing, idc about price
  6. The crosair curse (f2p), x marks the spot (f2p), the ascent of arceuus, between a rock, cabin fever, cold war, the depths of despair, devious mind, dragon slayer 2, dream mentor, elinghtened journey, forgettable tale, the forsaken tower, garden id tranquility, the great brain robbery, grim tales, haunted mind, making friends w my arm, making history, monks friend, monkey madness 2, observatory quest, olafs quest, the queen of thieves, rag and bone man, rag and bone man 2, royal truble, rum deal, scorpion catcher, shades of morton, thr slug meance, a souls bane, swan song, a tail of two cats, tale of the righteous, a taste of hope, tears of guthix, throne of miscellania, watchtower, what lies below, zogre flesh eaters fast & trusted questers only please.
  7. Looking to buy 50-100mil only, nothing more than that.. for fair prices please i can pay with paypal or visa
  8. Pretty much aiming for quest cape, so quest lists will be given randomly. MM can be used unless you are trusted. I've got discord so tweet yours or ask for my disc in the comments below
  9. The restless ghost (f2p), preist in peril, nature spirit, fairy tale 1, tai bwo wanni trio price pls. ty
  10. Bump, anyone interested in giving me quotes? Looking for people with feedback :)
  11. Bump, please note that prices of osrs gold is at high rate atm
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