Sorry in advance if I'm doing something wrong, I'm new to botting. Anyways, I have a F2P account that I'm trying to complete some simple quests on (Pirate's treasure, Doric's Quest, etc.). When I try to run the script, it puts my inventory in the bank, enters the GE interface, closes it, opens the bank, pulls out GP, banks it, repeats, and then says I don't have enough GP to buy the items for the quest (which I do). This also happens if I buy the items in advance and put them in the bank, although it does successfully pull out the items (before immediately banking them again). I think it may be looking for tele tabs and not finding them due to it being F2P, and then adds the cost of the tabs into the price the quest items will cost even though it can't buy them. When I have the items, it gives a different error about unexpected item or something along those lines, but the script doesn't stop correctly so I need to restart osbot entirely to fix it. Any advice?