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  1. Okay, I'm just relieved I'm not missing a lesson that could improve my work!
  2. Checking right now, I do believe you are 100% correct Sorry to quote you again. If I'm combining two items and waiting on the item to be made and register in the inventory, why wouldn't I sleep? Maybe I wasn't clear about them being conditional sleeps but I think you're trying to teach me something that I'm failing to understand
  3. I'll think about it further then. The problem I have is that the item being combined has the same name for three actions. The only thing that changes is the examine text. I could listen the inventory but that would only work if I make the item one by one. If I attempt to make the tea by completing the combination step at the same time, Ie combining the next herb four times in a row, will use the the same herb tea mix instead of using one herb individually on each mix. If you look up how guthix rests are made or herb tea mix you'll see that the item only changes examine text not the item name. Ill continue to think about it, but I want to avoid having the item being used on a specific item slot as that may cause other issues if it withdraws a different amount of items than required for that method to work. Sorry! My example was rushed but fear not, I do know how to compare strings. I'll check to see if the tostring method on the interact method will return what I need. Thanks for the idea!
  4. Hey all, I'm combining items within the inventory, the first few combinations change the name of the item so I just sleep until that item name is within the inventory. BUT other item combinations I'm automating keep the same Item name but the examine text changes. How would I go about checking the examine text against a string. I don't think I'm allowed to post GitHub links so I won't. I'll insert an example of what I'm trying to do. if (getInventory().interact("Examine", item) == String) { //Actions to do } This obviously doesn't work as the interact method returns a boolean, but how would I go about getting the text from the examine action? (I've already stored the text that I want to check against in a String) If you would like to see the current script, I'm more than happy to link it, just pm me. The current script is completely functional but slow. I'm rewriting it currently with better checks and more features but I'm completely stumped on this atm. PS: Should have mentioned that the script makes Guthix Rests. It is nowhere near as complex as I'd like it but it works, although slowly.
  5. I read so much before I actually started botting. I keep this guide bookmarked to ensure I don't get frustrated when I get banned. It's a cycle and I'm learning, thanks for having something so detailed readily available! I won't have an exact until tomorrow. Still experimenting and working on a new method to do while I have this method run. Should be in the double digits tho.
  6. Introduction / Background: I don't really nowhere to begin but I guess this whole journey starts with Staking. I was an odds staker and with the knowledge I had I ended up making a large sum of money that is now being reinvested in learning how to correctly bot to make a profit. Odds staking is a job, it requires a lot more work long term to make profit than the initial work for a gold farm. Either way, this whole thread will be documentation of my adventure into gold farming. I've invested a total of $150 with $100 dollars being 100m. I do not see any of this as a loss as I'm learning very quickly within the span of a month and a half. Knowledge and understanding of what I'm doing I find to be worth more than the money I've put in. I understand I can't link off site so I'll keep documentation here, but I will most likely create a website to further document/blog my progress later on. Starting Date of Thread: 9/30/2017 9/30/2017 Goals: Accumulate a total of 100m Accumulate a total of 250m Have Variety of Methods to Utilize Learn to implement GUI Learn to implement Muling Support Learn to implement CLI Support
  7. I read/heard somewhere that utilizing a different proxy from the one you created the account/completed the tutorial with causes or is the main culprit of most locked accounts. I found logging out the account and resting it after completing the tutorial gives me the best results when attempting to switch the proxy later on. I can't promise it will work obviously, but I've had very few locked accounts since I started resting them. I can also point to people that sell tut'd accounts and they always seem to advertise that they've been rested, which is where the theory comes from. Good luck!
  8. I've had problems with botting tutorial island before as well, a few questions I have are as follows. Are you: Switching the proxy the account was tut'd on? Resting the account after finishing the tutorial? Logging out immediately after finishing the tutorial? Some problems I had when "printing" mass accounts is that the proxy itself wasn't flagged, but the accounts were locked if I attempted to use those accounts on a different proxy within 72 hours after finishing the tutorial. I found resting the accounts for at least 24 hours drastically lowered my chances of the bots being locked. If I rested more than 72 hours I noticed that none of my accounts would ever be locked. So from this I can say that logging out after finishing the tutorial helps, resting drastically helps, and refraining from switching the proxy until the account has been rested is the biggest help. If this isn't the case I must be misunderstanding your question, more specifics would help me troubleshoot for you!
  9. Hey, I'm in the same boat as you currently, learning to bot correctly and setting up a farm. I'm two and a half weeks deep from investing 50m and $75. (I guess you could say roughly $100 dollars invested). I've been only using SOCKS5 proxies and botting on accounts for less than 2 hours a day. (I have 4 bots currently, all of them have made their bond back + half way to a bond for the next two weeks). The biggest thing I can say is start slow. I did a suicide farm for 8ish days before I realized I was spending more time setting the bots up than they were running for. I made profit, but it wasn't worth the manual input. I had made enough to purchase 2 bonds and at this point in time I had only spent money on proxies, OSBot VIP, and scripts. I then invested my 50m gp and bought some bonds. I suicided two bots in p2p on the weekend and used the third as a test to see the boundaries I could go without being banned. Anyways. What I've learned is through my trial and error and the fantastic guides put out on the site is: Make sure your money making method is undersaturated but is saturated enough to sell (This might mean doing quests to unlock potential money makers!) If you do too much, you will crash the price and your own profit Don't go for endgame money makers, the leveling process is long if you're trying to stay off the radar and even when you get there, how long can you make money before you're caught? @Juggles has mentioned in one of his posts that making a bond should take no longer than a day to make back when spent. I do not know if he meant 24 total hours of botting or just a botting session done in one day. Either way, if you are meant to make a bond back it should take roughly 6-12 hours of botting if you are using a relatively popular method. I can easily see making a bond back in a day of botting, but I haven't discovered a reliable way. BOT CONSERVATIVELY. Playing roughly 2 hours a day, according to Jagex's data, is feasible, as most players only play 1-2 hours a day. Botting longer than that, especially in one sitting is asking to get banned in my eyes. Get creative, learn to code simple things and experiment by hand. I've discovered a few methods that don't have scripts for. I learned to code simple ones that build into the end product which is good enough. If you're making a product widen the margin of profit by buying the sub-materials in their pre-processed form. Are you wanting to make "Ranarr Potion (unf)?" Make sure you buy the herbs grimy for a larger margin. (Of course you have to weigh if the margin increase is worth the extra time processing). I haven't invested in any VPS or Server in general. I'm using proxies and that's enough. Have a constant flow of accounts if you plan to suicide at any point, tut'd accounts are quite easy to print if you put in the effort to learn. It'll save a lot of money if you don't have to purchase tut'd accounts just to suicide them.
  10. I was originally scripting with just my end goal in mind. I didn't account for all other specifics that are required to get to that goal. I think a big part of anything in life is breaking things down to manageable chunks. I was having issues getting to level 3 much less 33 that I had to take a step back and rethink all of the minor steps that lead to xp gain. Surprisingly I didn't see mention of planning is this type of way so I decided to try and write it out. There's a lot of critical thinking involved with this kind of stuff. Just because you don't understand it doesn't mean it's impossible to learn. I didn't realize that a tutorial with no code would be so well received. I thought it was actually a nuisance but this is the type of stuff I wish I had when I was starting out. Thank you for the kind words! I might make another tutorial on other organization techniques I find useful, none come to mind at the moment but there are some really simple stuff that some people never think to do.
  11. Thank you! I'm still new to coding bots but the same thought process applies across different projects. I learned a lot from reading your tutorials so I'm glad I made something that you deem well made No problem, I'm really trying to focus on fundamentals when it comes to starting to script. I've found it great to know how to navigate the API, understand what you're writing, but with no goal or plan you're not going to get far without running into more issues. I look forward to your revised guide as the current one you have pinned got me interested in even attempting to try scripting. I hope to learn something new from you when the time comes for that guide. Best of luck!
  12. DISCLAIMER: THIS DOESN'T INVOLVE CODE. THIS IS MERELY FOR BEGINNERS WHO HAVEN'T GRASPED THE REQUIRED CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS TO SCRIPT. Hello All! Recently decided that I'd attempt to use my Java knowledge for botting. I'm not super experienced but I'm organized when it comes to development and that's what I'm going to teach you today. Being organized is one of the most crucial steps to understanding how to piece your script together. Apaec has an excellent guide that you should read if you haven't already. (It's pinned so I'm not going to bother linking it). In his guide he mentions State Machines. Which are a series of boolean statements, true or false, which decide what action the bot will perform. It's great that he introduces the idea but I felt like he doesn't go into enough detail about how to plan a script. Because while you can jump right in and start coding, you want a foundation and goals in mind to improve efficiency and in turn will allow for you to build on top of what you've already created later on. Currently I'm working on a 1-33 Progressive Magic Leveler. This is for TeleGrab, but there's a decent amount of thought process behind just getting to that goal level of 33. These are some of the goals required to eventually get to level 33: Where to get items Equipment Runes What spells to use When to swap spells Where to splash These are only a handful of the goals and if you're anything like me having the goals in mind is great, but not listing them step by step still makes it a confusing path to getting to your completed script. How/Where to get Items: So first step is to plan out how to get the required runes/equipment to get to level 33 efficiently. I'll be using a muling system for gathering materials so I don't have to worry about having the bot running everywhere which makes the script more complicated and also more prone to get stuck. So we're not going to go into the muling process. We'll just simply state that we have a mule that has all the required materials for our magic adventure. Needed Equipment: So what materials are actually needed? Well Splashing is by far the easiest way to do this, but I want to also get it within a decent amount of time. To splash you need a Magic Bonus of -65 to splash 100% of the time. So to reach that -65 Magic Bonus we'll use an Iron Full Helm, Platebody, Platelegs, and Kite Shield. This will get us to -65. We won't be using a staff as elemental staves provide a +5 Magic Bonus. We could use the "Cursed Goblin Staff" which provides no Magic Bonus, but since we'll only be using autocast spells until level 3, there's no need! So the core equipment will be the iron set. Needed Runes/Spells to Use/When to Swap: Well at level 1 Magic you will only have access to Wind Strike. At Level 3 you'll gain Confuse. At level 11 you gain Weaken and finally at level 19 we'll have Curse, which we'll use until 33. Our Intended Spell Usage: 1-3 Wind Strike | 1 Air 1 Mind per Cast 3-11 Confuse | 1 Body 2 Earth 3 Water per Cast 11-19 Weaken | 1 Body 2 Earth 3 Water per Cast 19-33 Curse | 1 Body 2 Water 3 Earth per Cast Now that we've planned our Spell Casting route, we need to calculate how many runes we'll need to get to our desired levels! Searching up any old xp calculator for OSRS should do the trick. So we'll need 32 Air and 32 Mind Runes to get to level 3 For 3-11 we'll need 92 Body, 184 Earth, and 276 Water Runes using confuse 11-19: 125 Body, 250 Earth, and 375 Water Runes 19-33: 493 Body, 986 Water, and 1479 Earth Runes Total Runes for 1-33: 32 Air Runes 32 Mind Runes 710 Body Runes 1913 Earth Runes 1637 Water Runes Where to Splash: Where we choose to splash will also decide where to keep our mule. I'll demonstrate how all of this planning ties together in a flowchart at the end. But where shall we splash? Lumbridge is insanely crowded on F2P which are the type of accounts I'll be using to get level 33. Draynor isn't too far but can result in some problems if the Dark Wizards wander too far. Varrock is rather far but once past the Dark Wizards we have numerous NPCs to attack. I like the idea of Varrock the best so we'll route ourselves there. Flowchart: This is where we combine all our goals and ideas to construct the script! The resulting flowchart I've created from this may differ from yours depending on what you find most important for the bot to do first! Note: This isn't a final flowchart. It's laying the groundwork. Immediate Issues with this Flowchart: What if the mule doesn't have materials? What if the bot can't hold the items? What qualifies as "materials?" Can air runes be depleted and the script continue? This is just an example. It's not fully done but it gives you a better idea on how to plan your script. Always ask yourself about the "what ifs" Thanks for reading, I hope you learned something and good luck in staying organized. The planning stage decides how well your final script will look. Resources: draw.io zybez osrs magic calculator
  13. I'm guessing this is regarding the Excellent Fungus. I know I've been pestering you, but will the fix be live today?
  14. Nothing worthwhile comes easy, I wasn't expecting this to be an easy journey either but it is good to know their is a community that is geared towards doing it, which means it has to be possible. I'll keep working and I hope i can gather something from all this trial and error I seem to be putting myself through. Thanks for the insight!
  15. How much did the initial investment cost, you mentioned you were down 100$ at one point. Is this from all combined initial investments, a few stupid mistakes, etc? I know it's not quick money and I also am learning from mistakes of others and my own, but how long did it take for you to finally "grasp" what to do to?
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