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John Wick

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  1. 1 https://prntscr.com/184ma0l 2 https://prntscr.com/184mbeg 3 https://prntscr.com/184mcgo All between 50-80 quest points
  2. less than 2h is not enough to get a ban
  3. yah i know, but as i said i didn't use any bot software in these accounts that's why i asking if anyone got issues with remote desktop too. I will make more 1 or 2 account today again to see if they get ban tomorrow too. Yesterday one account i did only tutorial island and logout
  4. i was playing without using bot runelite, the remote desktop software come with windows
  5. Anyone have ever experienced this too ? I was perm banned in 5 accounts today, training them using windows remote desktop, some i only completed tutorial island. In appeal request (looks like automated) they say "There is no suggestion that the offence was applied in error."
  6. Yeah absorption + 5 super combat potion it's near 70k/h at level 80/80/80.
  7. Using obsidian set and weapon, 18h/day = 35 days to max
  8. It happened to me 3 years ago, i thought was jmods because my mule account was banned at same time but maybe they don't waste their time selling my rune pickaxe... I was not using osbot, but i really don't know how someone got my password too.
  9. - 100k/each - Can be made using scripts, provided that it don't cause a fast ban or instant locks
  10. If i try to use any of these scipts, with my good luck, will need only 2 hours to get
  11. The only way to rise gold price is jagex release a better bot detection system (what probably will not happen) otherwise we can expect gold price at 0.1$/mil in some more 2-3 years. At 2017 price was on 0.7$/mil and everyone was saying "price is so low", now 3 years later it's near half the price.
  12. It will certainly increase the chance of locking the accounts, it's not a permanent ban but will need a little time to unlock.
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