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John Wick

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Everything posted by John Wick

  1. I using my private mining, fishing and wc scripts, soon i will edit this topic and post the script, i just upgrading with some features like new hud and gui. I testing how far i can go with this script without get ban... Some progress on fresh acc, i lvl up to 15 legit and start bot in Oak, did one break for 15 minutes. It still running 9:40h now (lvl 54).
  2. reply every topic when i see or post a lot of random things will not make me more reliable ... but i will try.
  3. Ah ok, and how to get reputation ? almost all time i playing runescape or developing some of my own scripts.
  4. I can do this for 5m. But i dont have english as mother language, i can read very well and write but cant talk in english yet.
  5. The random path is done, now where i can verify if stamina is > 30 and toogle Run if its true... i just found for health in api ?
  6. Maybe not 100% but i trying to avoid the "2h using some scrips = ban" jagex allways say that they system are accuare... if u get a ban they have "certain" that u used bot... So thinking about this, the difference between human and bot need to be big without chance to confuse who is bot and who is just an autistic guy doing the same thing over and over
  7. I not have english as main lang i think i wrote somethings wrong dont need tell the code exactaly, its just where to find in api doc is enough or if these questions is possible to do in osbot... cuz i taking a lot of time to do some simple things, its not bad at all, cuz i learning a lot doing mistakes and trying again but some tips can help.
  8. Can someone help me telling the code to detect if a rock is already mined ? im modifying an mining script that i found and when i click to start mine but someone already took the rock, the mine animation dosent stop and keep hiting the rock. And some questions: - Can we random the interact delay ? like right click Rock "wait 8ms" left click Drop. Cuz no human do interacts so fast like i allways see in a lot of scripts... Physically impossible. - Can we create random paths when going to a place ? ... cuz in 8h mining probably if not do this u will click same tiles 30k times. I dont care if the accounts that ill test this script will be banned but i want test what are the limits between human and bot that jagex determines. Common senses to avoid ban like -Dont do the same thing more than 3h. -Take a break when botting... for me it is a shit , an human can stay runecrafting 8h a day or can stay online playing more than 24h without take a break (U see a lot of players doing it ? NO, but it not means that if someone do it will get a ban cuz is a bot). I want learn more about scripting cuz i want do a fucking huge script to level up skill with a lot different ways, it will be hard to do but i have time to learn... and it will better than run a script that u click 3.000.000 times same tile in 1h and get a ban
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