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Trade With Caution
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About HuluWarrior

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  1. Hi all I'm going to be writing my first open source script here. It's aim is to be helpful and something others can use. I'm thinking of a multiple function one (like lvl 3 off tutorial to 15 in every skill) or something along those lines. There will be no GUI; just does it auto in a order for whatever it's task is. What would the community like to see script wise? Looking for ideas please! Later on I will be doing progressive scripts etc and maybe basic minigame ones looking forward to your replies. please no: "aio godwars" or anything stupid like that; leave that complex shit to the real scripters moved from another area :p
  2. You can hide the paint? Just clik the box and it should dissapear or atleast it does for me
  3. technically it's helping to give ideas to writing the script?
  4. Hi all I'm going to be writing my first open source script here. It's aim is to be helpful and something others can use. I'm thinking of a multiple function one (like lvl 3 off tutorial to 15 in every skill) or something along those lines. There will be no GUI; just does it auto in a order for whatever it's task is. What would the community like to see script wise? Looking for ideas please! Later on I will be doing progressive scripts etc and maybe basic minigame ones looking forward to your replies. please no: "aio godwars" or anything stupid like that; leave that complex shit to the real scripters
  5. lmao you fucking didn't i said I was going to overclock it it's like going fishing and asking what bait to use then some dumb fuck asks "what do you want to use bait"? thanks
  6. stop hunting for post count and to increase it's performance
  7. need 100 post count to sell accs
  8. Thanks for the replies! Is it silly to buy one which is overclocked from the factory? or does it make normal overclocking easier later on if it's already done to a extent?
  9. https://www.amazon.com/EVGA-GeForce-GAMING-Support-08G-P4-5173-KR/dp/B01I60OGUK/ref=sr_1_2?s=electronics&ie=UTF8&qid=1502985093&sr=1-2&keywords=gtx%2B1070&th=1 I bought it @ boost clock however wondering if because it's already 'real boost' can I manually overclock it later on when it arrived?
  10. $10 voucher would feed the 2captcha slaves for years so that'd be great x
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