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Steel Poster

Steel Poster (4/10)



Script2Bot's Feedback

3 Mo 6 Mo 1 Yr
Positive 0 0 0
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  1. rated070 left Positive feedback   

    Sold me his zerk for 35M, provided me with all the info.

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  2. timmerdaswimmer left Positive feedback   

    Completed Monkey madness for me. Great experience. Definetely recommend

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  3. sasaeel left Positive feedback   

    did me slayer levels and 3 quests! very nice and trustworthy guy!

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  4. Lacoste left Positive feedback   

    did me mtd real quick

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  5. Realist left Positive feedback   

    did another quest thanks

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  6. YovsRoad left Positive feedback   

    did a good job, reasonably fast

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  7. EvilTwin left Positive feedback   

    got me 1-25 agility and did a quest for me. Very nice and helpful guy!

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  8. sasaeel left Positive feedback   

    Really nice and trustworthy guy! did me few quests and 1 for free! ++

    Script2Bot was The Seller

  9. Realist left Positive feedback   

    Sold him a voucher, he went first, fast and easy thanks! A+

    Script2Bot was The Buyer

  10. Zikama left Positive feedback   

    Sold him $10 OSBot Voucher. A+

    Script2Bot was The Buyer

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