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Everything posted by Bulkin

  1. Hi, Can I have a Trial please.
  2. Hi, I am forced to go through the Jagex Launcher on my Jagex Account and have a few questions: 1. I tried to login through the old OSRS separate client (outside of the Jagex Launcher), but it will not allow you to login with a Jagex Account. I then, with the old OSRS client still installed, tried to login through the Jagex Launcher itself, but it kept providing an error. Is this not possible to do so anymore?? Because on my old account I used the mirror botting system in OSBOT, which would only pick up the old OSRS client to mirror off of. 2. I then tried using the Runelite Client Patch within OSBOT, and when I open Runelite in the Jagex Launcher, it Opens up OSBOT instead. Is the only option to use Stealth Mode and Not use Mirror Mode from this approach? Can I not play runelite again if i didnt want to bot since it always opens directly to OSBOT and not runelite? 3. I have also read forms about using HDOS instead of Runelite? Is running OSBOT through HDOS better than Runelite if I mainly use Runelite? 4. Would using Runelite and/or HDOS increase the chance of being caught higher than the previous old OSRS client? 5. If 0 offenses on the account, would first offense of botting most likely be a temp ban? Thanks for the help!
  3. Okay, thanks for the help. would be okay if I got a trial?
  4. Does your script support teak tree banking in Priff? If so, does it also support the Priff sawmill usage of turning the teaks into planks right next to the Priff teaks?
  5. Did the Slayer Ring teleport to POH bug get resolved? I am having this same issue.
  6. Does this Script support Fairy Ring Via Quest Cape?
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