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To expand on the points I made earlier about 'lazy PVM' in this thread and 'lazy skilling' in others. If the account has only AFK trained up until that point and has general not had much work put into it, the banrate is going to go way up. I've only ever used it for Jad tasks long after I got my first (and several) fire capes. If you're using it to make accounts that are ultimately botted and then cooled for resale just for the sake of getting the cape, it will be more likely to lead to a ban. That and the fact that the fight caves are rather complex for a scripted task, it's a risky one for general use no matter how good Frost is. Sure, OSRS is point and click, but there's enough in the caves for it to be impossible to mimic everyone's style. That and it only really supports the standard range only method, so if your account is capable of better methods, don't use it. If your account has high stats, note that this script does start using luring and safespots a lot earlier than a higher level player might, so it might look strange to the anti-cheat system and later to an employee watching it back. The 'eagerness' to reenter the cave and clicking on the entrance several times way too early as I mentioned before doesn't help either. It's a really cool script and for me, it was worth every penny. I just want to let people know that if they're lazy PVMers, this bot does the caves reasonably efficiently (though it does let those birds too close before it clicks on them). If you can't do them reasonably efficiently, you may just be banned. Maybe not. TL;DR: Yes, this script has a high banrate. A lot of that is up to the user, a bit of it is the behavior of the script. It's quite good at completing the caves, but if it's the first cape on the account, maybe do 1-30 manually, and then start it.
So... Amulet of chemistry. Supported, planned, or not planned? I don't see mention of it on the initial post, and searching the thread shows that you intended to add it ASAP back in June of last year. Edit: I was too curious, so I bought it and it does not support them. It didn't claim to, so that's no shock. I think it would be a nice addition. I also think that it might be better (more human, and faster) if the script hovered the cursor over the bank booth/chest and didn't just move from the middle of the inventory when the potions are finished.
@naturalspring As someone who owns the script, I can confirm that it does not. As a side note, for something like tick manipulation, you would generally need a private script made as public commercial scripts are usually written to emulate the average player, not the EHP conscious one. A general script for 2-tick teaks would probably have an extremely high ban rate due to the intricacies of the setup and variations due to player fatigue. I've written one for 3t4g mining which incorporates ML driven (Azure AutoML) anti-pattern based on over 120 hours of my play that hasn't led to any bans yet, but the small sample size doesn't justify a claim that it has a low ban rate for others, it's entirely incompatible with OSBot (or any of its competitors), and this is Czar's thread who is an expert at OSBot related stuff, so I'll quit my theorizing here.
I'll make a new test account and see what the logs say. The old one was banned for botting. Guilty as charged I suppose (this is why the test accounts exist). To save thread real estate, I'll just edit this post with the details. All of the things you mentioned were followed as they're required for most scripts and OSBot general functionality anyway. Your other scripts run smoothly, so it's probably something minor. Update: I can't replicate the issue. The only difference is that the machine had been power cycled, so I'm going to chalk it up to Oracle shenanigans. Thank you for your consideration.
Unfortunately the script did not work for me. I have other paid scripts from here that run fine, but have been having banrate issues lately, so I wanted to try this one since I own several other in the 'Perfect' series. Those all worked as well (though fishing had a high banrate, which is no surprise since it's fishing). My issue is that it won't let me select trees to be cut down. They're clicked, and they're chopped once, but the message still flashes to select trees. Then I tried the map mode, It cut one tree and then just stalled. Any ideas? My configuration should be fine as it's what is used for other scripts.
Glad to give any feedback that helps. I'm looking at the log now and it looks like it did take care of everything else before engaging the 360, and the log shows that the last prayer action was enabling protect from magic, but if that was the case and it got off a couple Sara brews, what could have killed it, even with a bit of lag (which I didn't see)? I'm not sure why it thinks it enabled it. Doesn't charging at the door (at least rather quickly after a death) repeatedly look a bit broken bottish? Maybe if it just stood there at the bank for three minutes or so, fiddled with the camera and or looked at random stuff in the bank for another minute and then had some chance of rushing in too early, but not unfashionably early... I just have these flashbacks to scripts with broken pathing running into things repeatedly and being stuck in that state. I know this was on purpose. It's just an interesting choice. So many people use clients like RuneLite, OSBuddy, and OpenRS will let you know when you're going to log out soon from inactivity. It's probably normal to get a ping and the come back in a couple seconds when the timer has almost elapsed.
Is there any chance of implementing 3-tick fishing? I know people who normally don't do it will be banned for using it, but you can warn them not to. The reason is that I was banned on an account for using this script and I think it was because prior to using it, I had only been doing 3-tick barbarian fishing and it was totally unlike my playstyle to fish normally. If you don't think there are enough players who would need this, I understand and will keep fishing manually.
Hi. This is a great script. I have a suggestion for a feature implementation. I'm incredibly stupid and had the options on to hide attack options, so the bot entered the caves and just kept right clicking the first bird, and I had to quickly turn them back on, then resume. Maybe among the bot's initial checks, it could check to see if NPC attack options are correct. It also failed to flick properly on wave 35 and just left Protect from Magic off for some reason with a fine connection/ping/graphics options etc.., Then it proceeded to go back in the cave multiple times without waiting out the timer and being stopped by the NPC. Hopefully this isn't a repeat occurrence. As a side note to others, don't flick if you have a poor connection. You'll get stacked out by wave 40, whether you're botting or not. A couple other features that would be nice, but probably be a major time investment are adding alternative methods, primarily melee which is quite a bit faster for higher leveled accounts, which would also require implementing the ability to use a spec weapon which would also be nice, even for ranging runs for SGS. Finally, a comment on the banrate. I just got this script, so I can't speak from personal experience. I can say that one reason that bans will happen using this script is multi-way prayer switching. Not the way the developer implemented it, but how it is used by players who may otherwise be 'lazy PVMers'. The account I ran this on is one where I normally prayer flick during slayer tasks and 1-tick/multi-flick while bossing when prudent, so I doubt it will be banned for using the method. If you normally just leave your prayer on and AFK your slayer tasks/NMZ, don't make the bot do something that you wouldn't do or haven't done. There will always be risk, but this could mitigate some of it.
Just a quick bug report (unless I am missing something). While stealing from the Ardougne nature chest, the script will just hang and say 'Calculating' for eternity. I managed to make it work by setting the zoom to maximum rather than zoomed out. It's no longer an inconvenience, but maybe something to consider for future updates (either adding zooming in as a feature, instructing people to do it, or making it so the script can operate on the chest without zooming in or at any zoom level). Cheers.
Disclaimer: Contains rambling I just purchased this in hopes of using it on an ironman, but soon after found out that the item requirements as far as teleports can't be edited and it won't go collect simple stuff even for things like Cook's assistant when you have the bucket and pot already. Based on what this script is already capable, I think it could be extended to pick up a bucket and pot if needed next to the quest start, milk a cow, grab the egg from the western side of the chicken farm, grab some grain, process it and run back to the cook. It can already pick up quest specific items that cannot be purchased on the GE, so it could definitely be adapted to pick up ones that it otherwise would buy. The script may come in handy on future accounts like pures and will be useful when I have all of the prerequisite items for the ironman that don't require other quests to get, so I'm not in the least bit upset, but as people have said before, an ironman mode would be incredibly useful. I understand that this would be very time consuming as far as coding goes and I'm really not sure what the actual demand for it is, so I'm not expecting it. You have however inspired me to start mapping out ideas for such an undertaking like a selector for account type (standard, ironman which tells the script not to use the GE, use shops/check stock and to use the certificate half on the other player etc..., UIM which would apply those restrictions plus tell the script not to use the bank and possibly abuse the looting bag in a few situations). I'll probably use Visio to make a flowchart/map the UML and convert it to C# which could then be looked at to possibly infer some Java methods. So thanks for piquing my curiosity to improve my abilities at the very least. Cheers, ~Andrew
I recently purchased this script and am running into the following issues. 1. While attempting to pickpocket a trapped warrior woman in Varrock castle, the script takes an unusually long time to calculate (at least compared to other scripts in the 'Perfect' range). The script then clicks the NPC a few times, opens the door, runs to the north-east corner of the castle and stands there clicking just outside of the castle near the drain. I have tried using the 'sticky NPC' option and assuring my in game settings are correct as a troubleshooting measure to no avail. 2. While attempting to steal silk, the script will function properly for a couple minutes and then just run around for a bit until it self-terminates. This also happens when I specify a tile. I know you have recently pushed some updates to silk, so maybe those will help. I will give an update if the problem persists. Thank you for your consideration. If there is any other info you require, I will respond as soon as I am able.
Ironic Shitpost changed their profile photo
Preface: I feel that this would be a good place to make my first post as I am new to this community. In this post I will outline a bit about myself and why I am here. About Me: First off, if you would like to call me by something other than my display names, my name is Andrew. I'm in my mid twenties and work in the semiconductor industry. Objective: I made an account here and purchased the VIP subscription right away as this seems to be the most competent community for RuneScape botting and I may as well start with the best. My primary goal is to learn more about what goes into the creation of these clients and scripts. While I do enjoy playing legitimately, I feel it is important to learn about all aspects of the game whether they be licit or not. Either way, this is a good opportunity to sharpen my skills both in programming and in game. In the short-term, I suppose I should update my avatar and test out the client with a few scripts. I'm sure I will have an enjoyable and informative stay here. ~Andrew