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  1. danknug11

    Fruity NMZ

    i was not insulting at all. i just dont know how this trial stuff works im new to botting. sorry if my miss-information makes me seem like a dick. just really want the trial and have wait for like a month. hope he didnt take it that way either. i would never disrespect anyone
  2. danknug11

    Fruity NMZ

    not sure if its you or me but this is the second time i ask for a trial. just really want to try the script before i purchase. if you can please ENSURE that i get the trial i would be very grateful bro! seriously. let me know what the issue is or what i have to do to get it.
  3. danknug11

    Fruity NMZ

    hey i noticed you said you gave me trial but i do not have? was it a issue on my end?
  4. danknug11

    Fruity NMZ

    can i get a trial of this. love the nmz shit!
  5. danknug11

    Fruity NMZ

    can i get trial before i buy?
  6. got banned on this script. ran perfect for 4 hours straight tho. i was even talk to friends in cc as doing it. not sure what happened. script ran flawlessly
  7. im new to OSbot would appreciate a trial for this. that would be cool THANKS!
  8. - Script name Pest Control - trial length few days. - Reason for trial Want to purchase a script. im new to OSbot. want to get void for raids. def going to have to buy the script for multiple accounts - Are you ging to give feedback on the script? Yes i will send screenshots of the progress
  9. Id like a trial. new to OSbot interested to see how it works out. was using Advertising other bots isn't allowed. for a while but nothing really works
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