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Everything posted by Pegasus

  1. Pegasus

    nmz training

    which client you want to use? prayer level? prayer bonus?
  2. Have you tried mirror mode? Did your all three account login via same ip?
  3. He has boyfriend/girlfriend privilege?
  4. There are lots of private/public scripts use Walking.webWalk()
  5. We should stop botting this month? and back to bot after this month?
  6. where do you download this latest version of mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar file? https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/mysql/mysql-connector-java/8.0.12/ How to delete mention? Not work after I use the mysql-connector-java-8.0.12.jar too. Could you tell me how do you do it step by step? @Lordsthan
  7. Thousands of people have used Walking.webWalk() too. Therefore, anyone use Walking.webWalk() easily get banned too?
  8. How do you learn Q Learning and Deep Learning ? Do you have statistics background?
  9. BEST BAN-PREVENTION GUIDE: Don't touch the game at all !?
  10. Really?? Why are you so sure?
  11. the ban rate of bot training zulrah accounts are very high now.
  12. The project works when I run it in intellij. However, when my pc have low memory or I just don't want to turn on intellij, I will just want to double click the .jar file, but it shows java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.mysql.jdbc.Driver
  13. I made a project with Intellij which is not osrs related. The project use database. The project works when I run it in Intellij. However, the runnable JAR (.jar) compiled by IntelliJ shows this error when I run it. I already added mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar to artifact, and IntelliJ generated mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar and the program jar when I click rebuild artifact. I don't use maven. Could anyone tell me how to solve it step by step?
  14. will you bot in that 3 days cool down period? If yes, you may get ban in these 3 days. If not, you are willing to waste 3 days membership?
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