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  1. Hi there, first just wanted to say that this is a nice script and I enjoy using it. I just have one little bug to point out - when I use the sand crab plugin and enable the "Move mouse outside screen" option, it never moves the mouse outside the screen. It will eat and just hover in the exact same spot until it has to eat again. If this could be fixed, I'd really appreciate it! Otherwise it is a really nice script Specifics: I'm using the sand crab plugin at the far west spot, set to level 1 on aggressiveness (afk my position) and level 1 on activity level (only attack my crabs - safest). I have anti-pattern disabled and am only using the move mouse outside screen feature
  2. Oh ok, thanks! Sorry I should have researched it before I asked, but I'll do that and see if it fixes it. It must have been about 30 minutes or so, I was doing stuff manually before I started the bot. I also saved the equipment preset that I was using in the same session. I'll restart my client and see if it fixes it, thanks!
  3. Hi there, I ran into a little bug while doing the Demon Slayer quest, if you have some free time I'd appreciate your help! Thanks, here is the report: F2P/P2P: P2P world, but F2P quest (Demon Slayer) Stealth Injection/Mirror Mode: Stealth Injection Low CPU/No rendering mode: Not enabled CLI parameters: None Number of bot tabs open in 1 client: 1 Number of clients running: 1 Operating system: Windows 7 x64 Scripts previously ran in the same client session: 0 Number of bank tabs: Only the main bank tab Quick start option used (or the quest list you created): Demon Slayer only Attack style: Chop (Attack) [FIRST] Quest: Demon Slayer Place where it happens: Varrock, immediately before visiting the Gypsy Logger contents: Description The bot stops after teleporting to Varrock Square with a Varrock Teletab. It never talks to the Gypsy to start the quest. Thanks for your attention, please let me know if there's any more information I can give you. Thanks!
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