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About Bjotorsflav

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  1. Join discord https://discord.com/invite/dumFZaM
  2. You still have it, open osbot and search stealth under your script list
  3. You open jagex launcher, choose legacy client and login then open osbot > mirror mode
  4. not available atm, he removed it from the store and will release it again once all the bugs are fixed
  5. czar blast furnace script should have it @Czar
  6. Open osbot and check under your scripts, store doesn't show the script beacause it's hidden but you still have it inside your osbot client and factory might be beacause you bought the monthly version but if not then open osbot and search
  7. Mirror mode is safe in my experience, can always use other ip and "hack/recover" your account and then bot until ban, later you can just appeal and say it got hacked somehow but I'd say use mirror
  8. Around 2007, I remember using oak woodcutter near the varrock armour shop
  9. thx, will be my next sdn script
  10. Send me that minigame wikipedia page
  11. You can "recover" your account, password will change and I think then you will be able to login again, can give it a try
  12. Yes, legal go for 500 accounts no problem
  13. @HaiderYou can buy osbot credits using 07 gp, join discord https://discord.gg/ep9E7WPk
  14. Bjotorsflav


    What exactly do you need? I can write a free SDN script for the community, not a problem, just tell me what do you need
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