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Everything posted by IdleGamer

  1. IdleGamer

    Stealth Quester

    What is the ban rate like on this??? I'm curious as i've recently purchased, but don't want to get banned from trying too much, this is literally the only bot im planning on using on the account
  2. Cheers for helping with the issue! Massive respect to this guy Literally has sat with me for an hour just chatting about RSBOT and just random crap, And has helped solve the issue I had.
  3. IdleGamer

    Stealth Quester

    How i would kill for a script like this again now, anyone who is a amazing scripter should pounce on this oppurtnity, I understand it is probably hell of a lot of hardwork, but its going to be the most popular script to purchase by far i am sure when it returns
  4. Im having issues with it, it seems to work really well apart from the fact it isn't posting it into the clan chat, its typing it all out just not hitting enter
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