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Posts posted by HoneyDewBubbleT

  1. 5 minutes ago, Madara said:

    Are you like, permanently on TWC? Lol

    Watch out! I'm dangerous >:/ 

    I tried to appeal it but was rejected. Not enough time has passed to reflect on my mistake :( Honestly, I'm glad and thankful that they unbanned me. Sucks my name is grey like a pleb and not bright cyan blue like others though. No biggie though, just gotta keep being me 

    (u u)*

  2. 12 minutes ago, gearing said:

    this is pretty much a rage inciting subject, i dont think there should be a debate about this...

    i prefer when the ladies force themselves upon me, havent tried the other way around YET ----> i might be a sucker for this kink:troll:

    i am proud of you, you are not only getting paid to witness debate about revolting subjects, but you share it with us, the teacher achieved his aim.

    the reality though, is never this clear im afraid

    ps: tell the teacher i said: fuck off in all seriousness; you cant really compare corporate fraud to rape LMFAO nor put human suffering on a fucking scale

     I was interested in how others would react to this assignment when they are in their individual spaces unaffected by the drastic polarization present in the classroom. I apologize if I offended you by sharing this with you. You're right, you can't really compare corporate fraud to rape nor put human suffering on a scale. It is a rage inciting topic and I agree, the teacher assistant could've presented this topic better rather than making us put it on a scale. 

  3. 10 minutes ago, Jacksonpm23 said:

     God, this question sucks. I think it's like a 3 or 4 out of 10, just because it's extremely subjective and 10 would be fucking Jonestown or the holocaust or John Wayne Gacy/Ed Gein, etc.
    But if I say that now I look like a rape apologist lol. 

    Or are we rating it compared to other scenarios of rape? In that case, like a 4-5 -- 10 would be something like a mass gang rape with extreme brutality, etc. 

    Personally, I was rating the scenario relative to other scenarios but even if I weren't I don't think I would've given it a ten...

  4. 47 minutes ago, axldeth said:

    son u have lots of free time


    I have breaks in between. Unfortunately, my classes this quarter are spread all over the place :/ I wish though. It's hard juggling being full time university student and a full time botter *sigh*.

    27 minutes ago, gearing said:


    tl;dr - execute them both

    p.s.: do you pay for this? i mean do you actually chunk out money in order to attend classes that give you such insight?:think:

    Personally, no I do not pay them chunk of money but they do pay me well for attending their University :)  The class has no relevance to my major but I'm taking it for "general credit" requirements. But the class is pretty popular and the lectures given by the professor is pretty interesting but the insight that I gain from the "intellectual debates" in small groups depends on my fellow peers.

  5. Hey y'all I just got out of my criminology class and had a very interesting discussion on rating scenarios 1-10 on the "seriousness" of a crime.

    Everyone had a general consensus of giving a 10 for scenarios involving murder or effect on a large scale (e.g. corporate scandals leading to 1k+ employees being fired due to bankruptcy, mass producing farmers using illegal substances/practices which caused numerous amount of deaths/illnesses). However, there was a particular rape scenario involving a woman and a man that got the majority of the class to rate it as a 10 and I would like to hear y'all's thoughts and opinions on this topic.

    Scenario in question:

    A man took a woman for a dinner, then to a house party where they both drank. Throughout the day, the woman constantly flirted with the man. The man had his hopes hope for the night. However, the woman became extremely intoxicated and wanted to leave the party and requested the man to take her home. The man did so and invited himself saying that he'd help her up the stairs. When upstairs, the man forced himself onto her. The woman, who was too shocked, couldn't say anything nor was she strong enough to push him off.

    From the context above, from 1-10 rate the scenario on the "seriousness" of a crime.

    My thoughts: 

    Compared to other scenarios, such as murder and the other things mentioned above, I didn't rate this scenario a 10 because relatively I did not see rape and murder/actions that affect 1k+ lives on the same level (I rated it as a 7). Also, from the first half of the scenario, the woman seemed to be "inviting" the man for something to occur. However, the scenario takes a 180 degree turn in the second half when it introduces the key words when the man "forced" himself onto her and the woman was "too shocked" and wasn't "strong enough" to push him off. At this point, I had mixed feelings as I didn't want to be the guy that blames the woman for the rape because her "clothes were too revealing" and she was basically asking for it. However, in this scenario, that had consensual date and both seemed interested other with the key words "the woman constantly flirted with the man" and "the man had his hopes for the night."

    I got glared at and shunned by a class with a ratio of 20 females to 5 males with many of them stating rape is rape. Auto rating of 10.   

    My thoughts might've been also affected by my personal experience as being a victim of rape. I as well was "too shocked" to do anything nor was I strong enough to push her off (I was in elementary and the girls were probably high school if not college). Coming from my point where my rape was out of nowhere surprise, I didn't think the rape in this scenario was 10 on the scale.

    What are you your guys' thoughts?

    • Like 2
  6. @Czar Hey Czar, I remember using your script about 6months ago at chaos druids and it handled the agro super well back then and it's been a while since i've been back to chaos druids (making new accounts from scratch again T_T) and it seems the script doesn't handle the chaos druid agro that well anymore? When the bot gets binded, it takes a lot longer for it to target locate than it use to in the past? 

    • Like 1
  7. On 10/17/2017 at 4:40 PM, purplewatilla said:

    Adding a random afk mode, that waits a little bit before cutting the next tree when enabled, would be helpful and very appreciated :) 

    @Czar Could you please implement this? Maybe giving us an option to pick a range of variance with drag e.g. 01b6c1107a.png

    I have no trouble running your script on my mid-level main accounts but for fresh, lvl 3s, I'm getting banned instantly even when only running it for 30 minutes :/

  8. 1 hour ago, Fumos said:

    Like the title says. Im buying from trusted users. No recoveries. Must be the original owner!

    If you're looking for unrecoverable, it's best to make your own account and hire someone to bot/manually level your lvl 3 account or w/e account. All you need is creation info+ip to recover.

  9. 3rd Update (Two sessions combined)!

    Account #1 is ahead by one quest: Mountain Daughter. The past two updates have been for each session of botting I did but for this third update, I combined two sessions since I wasn’t getting much action. I trained ranged nonstop until I got it to 50-52 (didn’t stop immediately at 50 because I was lazy with setting up arguments for the script and just ran it). Once I got my range up, I threw in a 1hr and 30 minutes of agility session before sending it to the sand crabs. I stayed at sandcrab for 6 hours nonstop before logging out. For my second session of gameplay, I stayed at sandcrab because I was already there and got the account to 66 range. I’m going to send it to do another 1hr and 30 minute of agility before restocking on mithril darts and heading back to sand crabs.

    Account #2 didn’t do Mountain Daughter yet, will be doing it eventually later. Like Account #1, it trained range to 50-52, agility, then Sand Crabs x2, and is currently on agility while I’m typing this up.

    As I promised here are my screenshots of my progress!



    Happy new years y'all!

  10. 2nd Update!

    Account #1 is still ahead. In this session, I took a huge risk and botted agility for two hours straight non-stop. After reaching 30 agility, I did two quest: Mountain Daughter and Animal Magnetism. Even though the quests were botted, it was painful to watch it take so long. I did Mountain Daughter first, then I trained my slayer to lvl 18 and stopped exactly at 18 without finishing the task because I was impatient AF and got crafting to 19 before doing Animal Magnetism. Once I was done with AM, I began to train range and prep the account for sandcrabs. Out of everything I did, the only thing I’m worried about is the agility as agility is the easiest to get banned from. Hopefully I last through the night!

    Account #2 is playing the catch up game. First thing I did was get 1-55 magic. Then I botted agility to 30 as well before doing the same two quests that Account #1 did. ATM it’s finishing up Animal magnetism and will shortly be joining Account #1 preparing for sandcrabs!

    TLDR: Two quests, Animal Magnetism and Mountain Daughter. Both long AF. Requirements for AM was pain in the ass. Botted agility to 30 in one go. Hope I don’t get banned. Like usual, I don’t take pussy breaks. Another long  6hr+ session of botplay.

    note: I'm monitoring my accounts on and off when it's doing quest related activities since quest scripts aren't 100% flawless. I do let the bot run unattended 2-3 hours when training skills such as range and magic. 

    Will try to include screenshots in the next update. Sorry guys, I mean to but every time im posting this it ends up being 4am in the morning and tired & laxy AF.  Don't want to accidently slip in IGNs or some other silly mistake.

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