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  1. And banking does not work
  2. Yes V 19 is online, looting herb work perfectly but now it does not loot arrows anymore Can you take a look at this?
  3. Bought it today and it only loot arrows Tried to enable everything on the guy but it does not work!
  4. Not fixed And Khal, adding a world hop when there are people with canon would be veeeeeery nice!
  5. Well, sometimes, i just avoid world with already somebody. Wouldn't it be possible to add something to change world if there are people with cannon? These guys are annoying! :p
  6. Bought it last week, the xp rate is very good. Sometimes it does not pick up seeds, even if i toggeled it. Something more disturbing : when there are other people killing ogres, it attack other's people ogre and don't understand that the ogre is already under attack so it keeps clicking on it...
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