Okay! thanks bro for the infoo.
And also , why is it so dangerous to use a VPN that changes your IP every minute?? Seems like a good solution to me instead of buying a proxy for every botting account : // And since i can only pay by creditcard or paypal , this makes it even harder for me to purchase proxy's.
So they will just chain ban every runescape account you have used on the IP you currently have ? Even my main account i don't bot on ?
Thanks for the replay tho :))
Hey ppl!
So ive been botting lately with 2 accounts , regular breaks between botting and max using it 6 hours a day per account.
I am not using any proxy or vpn.
Is this really easy to detect? I did everything to not look like a bot , very good antibot too.
Hey ppl!
I was wondering if i could use something to use multiple bots at the same time without being IP detected.
I know this is pos by using a VPN or something but i don't really know where to begin..
Is there anyone that could explain this to me ??
Greetings Iq.