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  1. Plzzzzz look into this!
  2. Same here. Can we have a option that works with attacking both monsters and portals. Something that is a bit randomized. Also can it be made to be able to open the gates as sometimes it just gets stuck until it sees a monster. Awesomework otherwise! Definitely satisfied!
  3. Still waiting on that osx profile saving..
  4. Hi Czar, RE: Max OSX profile saving. When you click Save/Save As nothing happens at all. Nothing also shows in the log at all as if I never even click these two options.
  5. Any chance of trial plz? THX
  6. Yes plz. Been waiting on OSX testing for over a month now
  7. Pls bring the OSX profile saving! Been waiting on this for a while now and I think you last said it was coming next version but still doesnt work
  8. Also not sure why this is being ignored?
  9. Not sure why but keep getting ignored RE: OSX profile saving?
  10. hi czar, running this on osx. first time using the script! great so far... just wondering as it doesnt show the whole dialog on the mac.. it says "enter item name to a..." unsure what the rest is supposed to be as I currently dont have any other computers to read this on. Also im running the teleport spell.. Just wondering if the time clicking is random and its not just doing it say every 2 sec's or so as obviously it would cause a ban? thanks for everything!
  11. Any update on OSX profile saving? would be life saver
  12. any update on OSX profile saving update? Would be awesome for the OSX users Thanks for all the work.
  13. Awesome will test this when i get home. BTW: Is it possible by any chance to save scripts for OSX version? Would be soooooo much easier if we can pre-load our preferences instead of having to manually type it all in. Thanks so much really apreciate it all!
  14. I'm also having the same issue. Run script at hill giants and does not do anything at all. Log isnt showing any sort of error either.
  15. This is a bit weird. Trying to use the cast spells to level up my noob acc which is only 10 mage. I'm at cows in lumbridge and select "damage spells" and typing in "water strike" (even tried leaving bottom box blank) and click "start bot" and nothing happens. Log doesnt seem to show anything either [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:11:43 AM]: Loaded 6 built-in random solvers! [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:11:46 AM]: Definitions loaded: 20799 [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:11:46 AM]: 23 APIs loaded [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:11:48 AM]: Yay! [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:11:49 AM]: 2 actionpoints ready [INFO][05/03 01:11:49 AM]: Started script : Perfect Magic [INFO][Bot #1][05/03 01:12:46 AM]: Is stopping script when out of runes? false
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