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Trade With Caution
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About JohnDoe1

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  • Gender
  • Location:
    Texas, USA
  • Interests
    Love Pussy and Weed

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  1. yep done asap prefferebly nevermind I did it FUCK JAGEX
  2. Hi Monkey madness 2 is fucking cancer. I am on the last satchel; the one on the top floor. (have done 5) it is the top floor satchel which needs planting on the gas canister. how much for JUST THIS one part? once you've planted the final satchel; great; service done. prices please? i've tried this like 8 times and it's cancer basically at this part
  3. I'd reccomened using a middleman for this to avoid a scam. @Dbuffed @Decode @RoomScape
  4. tried it flags up on anti-virus as trojan and all sorts of other issues?
  5. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    i use this setup w/ bersekrer neck + primoridals/d boots and get about 102k xp/ph
  6. 35-50 rc 60-65 smithing 53-62 fishing 55-71 woodcutting 38-49 farming done via fastest methods price for all please
  7. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    Did a 5 hour run (3 dreams) using ovl and prayer pots. Run threshold works; using prot meele and ultimate strength. Works great! No problems whatsoever. Thanks!
  8. With a end game max too you can do bossing and stuff as well alongside PvP allowing more use for the account. Whereas with just a normal pure; you're limited.
  9. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    Just as a FYI the new update (2.2) is live using now and seems to be working great! nj @Fruity
  10. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    neither full obby gear + obby dagger primordial boots berserker neklace fire cape https://gyazo.com/dbb998ce4fb70e1fcf4577d8a4281a14
  11. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    At 99 str and 91 attack I get about 105k p/h with my setup 25m setup.
  12. JohnDoe1

    Fruity NMZ

    Thanks for the indepth Super helpful! Did you get 99 str before doing 99 attack? and what xp/ph do you get with whip etc doing att please?
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