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Everything posted by kendostick70

  1. Best way to avoid a ban is to watch lightly, respond to some messages/chat a bit, and not be a super low level (unless iron or skiller IG) Well...that and have a good script like you make.
  2. some days 3-5 hours, towards the end 7-9hrs using scripts break handler. I also babysat lightly and chatted a bit.
  3. Just went 70-99 no ban lol no pet either tho
  4. very close to 99 RC, but no pet yet
  5. What does that mean for scripters? I assume its helpful.
  6. 100% , better to to let the devs get it working properly and not broken, compared to broken running like (apparently) other bots are running. Thanks for the update.
  7. Can imagine its annoying them more than us lol.
  8. Another day of life without osbot, crying rn.
  9. Anyone else dying inside
  10. Slowly going insane without my GoTR bot running IG the few hours estimate has gone out the window lmao, wonder whats gone wrong.
  11. Appreciate it, was so confused thinking my java was being dumb, since its giving an error 1606 when i try to update it. o shit 7hrs ago and still not up, hope its soon
  12. Is the client down currently? getting bot initialization error
  13. lol, I guess asking for the best settings has prompted a few others to do the same haha, Anyway, gone from 85-92 RC so far with this script, great script man.
  14. Do you know whats the best xp settings for the bot?
  15. Do you know whats the best xp settings for the bot?
  16. Its lavas from CW bank, definitely has a delay, that never happens when you use small med and large pouch (Zero delay between filling all 3), only when using large/giant. Not sure the difference between using those 3 and the giant/large combo but all in all, it is the same speed or slower.
  17. Please, any news on giant pouch being delayed to fill ?
  18. Seeing a pretty significant delay when using large/giant pouch, it will fill large, then wait like 2 seconds before filling giant. I can give more details, not sure why it is doing this. I believe the delay is after filling large (hangs here) -> then filling giant lower xp/hr using large/giant than using small med large. sorry to be posting with issues all the time lmao, but if you know about them or they are new atleast Ill know thats it's something to fix, or its on my end with a setting or something
  19. Did you find out why it says already imbued twice everytime almost? seems like it double clicks imbue for some reason? or it clicks imbue multiple times quickly
  20. saw your above post about broken webwalker, idk what inks are but yeah webwalkers a bit weird atm
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