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Everything posted by cell96
Hi, can I have a trial please. I want to try out the master/worker feature
Hi, can I have a trial please?
24 hour sand crab proggy 1 def 40 attack pure with breaks
Can i get a trial for this? I really want to buy this but want to first wait and see if script is actually broken.. Seeing a lot of complaints on this thread
...and Mod Weath sits down at his desk - setting his coffee aside. He opens a window on his computer and scrolls all the way to the bottom. As he clicks [MASS BAN ALL], he has only thought running across his mind, "Get rekt scrubs" Anyone else feel the ban hammer this morning? Let's discuss
Did you already receive a 2 day on this account previously?
- 32 replies
Yeah i've also found that fresh accounts with bonds usually get perm ban instantly instead of a 2 day first.
How old was the account? Did you buy membership via a bond bought with GP or directly thru the website(Credit Card/Paypal)
i have the same problems. Also doesnt move away when the dragon attacks the player first
is there support for iron/bronze dragons in catacombs when ranging (stay away from npc's melee range)? its a common slayer task
- What is the bug doesnt bank when pray pots are done - How did you make the bug happen - (optional) recommendation for the bug, e.g. 'make the script walk back' or something bank when there are no pray pots - Tried client restart? no - Normal script or a plugin? brutal black dragon plugin - Which exact setup options are enabled? Afk mode, cannon mode, etc etc. world hop enabled 6 ppl. anti pattern. ranging. 5x lobs 1x extended antifire 1x ranging potion 3x pray pots i will try again with more pray potions edit: i tried again and it died i was afk so i dont know how
barb outpost and the exact tile was when u use the games neck tele to barb outpost
- Which exact tile does the script get stuck on? (exact tile, not 'near the draynor village') - Plugin or normal script? normal - Did you try all 3 walking options? yes npc name was dagannoth i had bank options when food is done. 25 lobs. anti pattern mode, ranging
i didnt select any method it just kept going back and forth about 5-10 tiles
cosmic runes dont work i tried every walking method and it keeps going back and forth between the two agility shortcuts
suggestion for brutal black dragons:if not in combat and all 4 dragons are occupied then turn off prayer until at least one of them dies this saves prayer bug?: doesn't go to bank when pray pots are finished and inv is not full bug #2: stuck between 2 buildings with water symbol on them after it banks and tries to go back to cave i can show pic tmrw if u need (walk setting 1) this is v194.4 bug#3?: i dont know if its just me but it also does not bank when inv is full w/ pray pots in inv. i paused the script and clicked on the rope and resumed, it went to altar then came back inside the cave with the full inv didnt bank suggestion: if user has food in their inv setup and there is no more food left while fighting then bank(); this will decrease deaths i've babysat this plugin for an hour now and those are the bugs/suggestions i could come up with sorry for the messy format
is v195 going to have sticky npc? currently on 194.4
suggested inv setup for bbd plugin? also my script still says v193.6
when is v194 coming?