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  • Location:
    Richest W2 cc
  • Interests
    Runescape | rsps coding | basic Script Coding.

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  1. im currently in the make of moving from a dicing clanchat to make a swapping cc. i am looking for 1-3 people to help out with swaps, and advertise too. (you arent working for me, your working with me ) benefits: huge profit. stress free. no risk of ban. Legal. easy,and very quick. reply, or drop me a pm/add my discord. Dulgent#8809
  2. it was because i thought the accs was dodgy never bought accs and then them being loced that quick ever
  3. Sorry to everybody who witnessed my false feedback against @Charlotte. the reason i gave false feedback was due to 6 accounts being instantly locked within 5 mins of me logging in. it was probably my ip. i do not wish to be criticised for this, it was my fault and i've learnt from my mistake.
  4. Will go first if your very trusted, pm me on osbot.
  5. mhm funny yeah? so if he's responsible for the accs already being locked/banned, hows that my fault? spastic fuck.
  6. pretty sure i pad 1st?, most of the accs was banned/locked, you even refunded me.?
  7. hey, i've got a huge budget to open up a swapping cc in runescape. i have bots for advertisers, and cc talkers, kickers ect. what kind of ranks will i be looking for? I will be looking for Ranks that can help out with advertising in oldschool, and on social media (mainly ingame)- it's fine if you cant on social media. Ranks that will be dedicated to swap, whilst making alot of cash. Ranks that will be consistant, and friendly. Ranks that may be Trusted by others players of the runescape community. If you're interested drop me a message/reply, or message me in chatbox
  8. Every Mod on oldschool runescape is on this list? why would you need a mod list?: A mod list is used when advertising. what this will do, is when it spots a mod ingame, it will stop advertising instantly, to keep your advertiser from getting banned/muted. Also if your advertising a dicing game/clanchat, this will also prevent mods joining and banning the hosts, or even the clanchat. reply, or pm me, if your interested. I also have custom Clan chat dicebots avaliable, with 54x2, odd/even, hot/cold, dice duels, flower poker, and a custom wheel of fortune game. my usual profit hosting? anywhere between 50-400m per day. want proof? just ask me.
  9. come to chatbox! or pm me on here
  10. pm me on here, or join chatbox and pm me
  11. read pm please

  12. Pm me on here, or reply with a price per acc, dont need 7 qp.
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