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  1. Perm ban. Works well just don't suicide it. Rs isn't worth playing legit nowadays anyways
  2. Doesn't support void knight mace claws of guthix autocast? keeps putting bloods away and teleing.
  3. Played with the inventory options a little bit and now the bot works great, just like Frost Caves. Impressive. Edit: does it support guthix rests?
  4. is a trial available, please? Thank you! Edit: keeps rearranging inventory, swapping barrows teletab and ring of dueling back and forth without stopping.
  5. After a couple attempts tuning the bot, it worked like a charm. Excellent 45 Def 80 range 52 prayer 80 HP Edit: actually, it did get stuck on like wave 23 one time. Was running from rangers towards safespot and it just stood there until I manually moved it.
  6. May I have a trial, please?
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