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Everything posted by fransje92

  1. Good luck u will be banned aswell, i did leap fishing, and all 3 accounts were on different ips, 6 hours a day, with breaks
  2. 3 accounts banned on each account i used 1 script this was one of them banned within 2 days RIP money i payed for the bots, and rip accounts i spend Months on bullding
  3. 3 accounts banned on each account i used 1 script this was one of them banned within 2 days
  4. 3 accounts banned on each account i used 1 script this was one of them banned within 2 days
  5. Thanks for you comment i was about to bot, alot but this made me think twice, i might stay out of botting, the ban rates are still damn high, everyone who uses a bot got banned might be not today, but then it will be tomorrow.
  6. Thanks i was about to buy it, but this comment made me stay away from it, dont want my accounts banned
  7. I pressed on Proxy i put in all details, and in lauched it, but how am i sure i am on the proxy or not?????
  8. What is the ban rate with this, i purchased it, and is it recommended use proxy cause im with some maxed mains on the same ip, i dont bot on them, ty
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