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Posts posted by ThatGamerBlue

  1. 2 minutes ago, Eagle Scripts said:

    Very strange regarding the ArrayIndexOutOfBounds; can you tell me which patches with which plants you used exactly?

    I have all allotments except kourend selected for plating sweetcorn, (fally 1&2, ardy 1&2 and catherby 1&2, in that order) error has only occurred at catherby so far, using 2 plant cure and normal compost.

    BTW can you make the ardy allotment use ardy tabs instead of cammy tabs if the quest plague city is done? Seems faster than running from cammy tele spot. (Mentioned this in a post before my bug report but the forums seems to have deleted my post)

  2. OSBot Version: 2.4.144
    Mirror Mode?: No
    Description Of Bug: Instead of using ardy tabs to go to ardy allotment, it uses cammy tabs. Ardy tabs look faster on the map.
    Console Error: N/A
    Screenshot (upload in imgur): N/A
    Custom breaking enabled?: Yes

    OSBot Version: 2.4.144

    Mirror Mode?: No

    Description Of Bug: Seems to get stuck around both catherby allotments.

    Console Error: [ERROR][Bot #1][10/25 06:15:47 PM]: Error in script executor! java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException (Spammed about 6 times/sec)

    Screenshot: 8uvQfEL.png

    Custom breaking: Yes

  3. While waiting for ardy chest to respawn, after stealing the first time it alchs a tick too fast, animation ends and xp drop appears before you can alch, instead of checking for animation could you add a special case where you can only start the alching if the chest has turned back into its "closed, empty" state?

    • Like 1
  4. 16 minutes ago, Apaec said:

    Woo, awesome - thanks & congratulations! (: 45k xp/h is pretty awesome for sub-60 ranged.

    Careful with mirror mode though; it has a tenancy to mess up - be sure to keep an eye on it and switch to stealth injection if you run into a problem!


    Yeah, it kept messing up on crabclaw isle but I think it wasn't a problem with the mirror mode but somebody else had lured the crabs away while resetting themselves and the bot kept running back and forth trying to reset, obviously failing because the crabs aren't there, but I switched location to a place where you don't run past resetting and it was flawless for the whole hour :)

  5. bug at west fally crumbling wall :)


    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]: Node 1 ([x=2936, y=3355, z=0]) is added to the graph, good job.. moving on to node 2..
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]: Node 2 ([x=2885, y=3395, z=0]) is added to the graph, now what?
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:  -- 
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]:   
    [INFO][Bot #1][10/02 02:49:20 PM]: / Pathfinding error, source: [x=2936, y=3355, z=0] and target: [x=2930, y=9843, z=0], report this to Czar immediately!


  6. 42 minutes ago, Alen said:

    Doesn't this do the trick: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7589-group-color-on-user-link/

    Alternative try this out, not sure if it still works with the latest 4.2.4/5 version of IPS Community Suite tho:

    Step 1:

    Go to the theme you want to implement the fix to, and select the HTML Template "userLink"

    its found under core > front > global

    Step 2:

    Replace the entire code in "userLink" with the following below

    {{if $member->member_id AND \IPS\Member::loggedIn()->canAccessModule( \IPS\Application\Module::get( 'core', 'members' ) ) }}<a href='{{if $warningRef}}{$member->url()->setQueryString( 'wr', $warningRef )}{{else}}{$member->url()}{{endif}}' data-ipsHover data-ipsHover-target='{$member->url()->setQueryString( array( 'do' => 'hovercard', 'wr' => $warningRef, 'referrer' => urlencode( \IPS\Request::i()->url() ) ) )}' title="{lang="view_user_profile" sprintf="$member->name"}" class="ipsType_break">{$member->group['prefix']|raw}{$member->name}{$member->group['suffix']|raw}</a>{{endif}}

    and your done just reload your forum.

    I love you.

    For PPL googling, I used the plugin.

  7. cant sell yet coz of post count but just wondering what it'd be worth



    black knights fortress

    cooks assistant

    dragon slayer

    ernest the chicken

    goblin diplomacy

    imp catcher

    the knights sword

    pirates treasure

    prince ali rescue

    the restless ghost

    romeo and juliet

    rune mysteries

    sheep shearer

    vampire slayer

    witch's potion

    dig site

    druidic ritual

    dwarf cannon

    fight arena

    fishing contest

    gertrudes cat

    giant dwarf

    lost city

    nature spirit

    plague city

    priest in peril

    rfd started

    recruitment drive

    tourist trap

    tree gnome village

    waterfall quest

    witchs house


    enter the abyss

    iron gloves

    1 ban on record (2 day)


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